
Monday, March 29, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

6230U VMW Wiluna, W.A. *1300-1310.* Weather warnings for northern, western, and southern Australian waters. Good signal.(John Wilkins-CO)

6134.73, Radio Santa Cruz, 1040-1100. Heard a person who sounded like a cartoon character talking in Spanish language. Then again, it could have been an older person. This possibly was a radio drame. Audio was just bad enough where details were difficult to catch. Signal drops from a poor to threshold by the top of the hour. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6059.98, Super Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba PR, 2301-2315. Station ID announcements at 2303. Portuguese religious talk. Poor with adjacent channel splatter. Good signal on // 11765.(Brian Alexander, PA)

6165, RNT, 0457-0537. Audible after Radio Nederland sign off at 0457 with Afro-pop, hi-life music. French talk. Local drums at 0529. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6165, RNT, 2150-2230.* African hi-life music. Local drums at 2200. French talk. Sign off with National Anthem at2229. Fair but some weak co-channel interference. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9450, China Radio International, 1112-1125. Noted a female in unknown language, listed as Mongolian listed. Spots in Chinese with news. At 1115 a male takes over comments. Signal was good and listed as Xian being used for relay. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5910 Shiokaze *1400-1430.* Usual piano opening routine and man/woman in Japanese talk to 1425, then closedown routine and off at exactly 1430. Good signal.(John Wilkins-CO)

6035.02, LV del Guaviare, San José Guaviare, 0935-1003. Spanish talk. ID at 1000. Announcements, promos. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9525.89, Voice of Indonesia, *0953-1015. Sign on in unidentified language. Local pop music. English at 1000 with news. IDs. Too weak at sign on to ID the language but improved somewhat by 1000. Still too weak at 1000 to pull out many program details. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1100-1115. At tune in, heard a male briefly comment which was probably an ID, then a female continue with news in Indonesian language. At 1110, the male returns with comments. This signal was poor and fading to threshold by 1115(Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.866, Voice of Indonesia, 1125-1135. Noted music program to female's comments between tunes in English.tat6ion ID noted as, "Voice of Indonesia." Additional announcer at 1128, as signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1130-1140. Indo music to brief fanfare and comments in Indonesian. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4925 RRI Jambi(presumed) 1320-1335+. Sub-continental and other music. Fair signal but could not tell if power increase, or make out much since the band noise here is still S-9. First time heard in several weeks.(John Wilkins-CO)

India (Goa)
15175, All India Radio (Panaji), 1549-1559, Gujarati. Talk by man and woman with some music, possibly a drama. Good signal strength with a few momentary cutouts. Unfortunately, abysmal audio, muffled and mushy, made the signal almost painful to hear, especially when music was played. Announcement by man at 1559, then gone. (Jim Evans, TN)

4850, AIR Kohima, 1214. Naga Christian songs to 1300 program highlights of English and Hindi. Sports show explaining about billiards and snooker. Usual Naga segment to 1340-1358 news (Hindi/English) with mostly items about Nagaland Governor Kumar (reception held at Mokokchung town hall; remarks made at Nagaland University)plus charity football exhibition match held in Kohima and item about the shortage of manpower at the AIR Kohima station; from 1358 till suddenly off at 1423: rock music show. Reception much better than yesterday, but still had a few occurrences with short breaks in their broadcast (Ron Howard,Asilomar Beach, CA)

5030, Sarawak FM via RTM, 1231-1234. The final Muslim call to prayer of the day (Isha, night prayer)(Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

7295 Traxx FM 1117-1149+. Pop music, hosted in English by male announcer. Five minute talk by lady announcer at 1145. Followed by more music, tuned out at 1151. Fair signal with significant 7290/7300 splatter. Re-checked at 1201 and the freq had been taken over by a strong Chinese station. (John Wilkins, CO)

5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Br. Station, 1511-1528* Regular programming (pop music and segments of talking. In vernacular till sign announcement and indigenous theme music till off.

5915, Myanma Radio - Minorities and Distance Learning Services, 1502-1511.* Non-stop lecture till sign-off announcement and indigenous theme music. Slightly better than China Radio International, which is fairly rare.

Northern Marianas
9465, KFBS (Saipan - Marpi) (presumed), 1501-1511, Russian. Talk by man and woman. Poor to moderate signal with some fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

9975, Nippon no Kaze (Medorn), 1509-1521, Korean. Man and woman talking with an occasional few bars of music. Slow, deliberate talk by man over music at 1517. Asian music at 1521. Poor signal, declining throughout the broadcast. (Jim Evans, TN)

Papua New Guinea
3260 NBC Madang(presumed) 1209-1235+. Male/female announcers in animated talk. Musical break at 1224, followed by more talk. Fair signal, check the frequency and they were still there at 1300 and 1330, although weaker. (John Wilkins-CO)

3275 Radio Southern Highlands(presumed) 1156-1209+. Vocal music to 1201, followed by male announcer's talk to 129 tune-out. Sounded like English but not sure. Fair at best. Still there at 1300 and 1330 rechecks. Other PNG's noted on 3260, 3290, 3315, 3365, and 3905. (John Wilkins-CO)

6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0815-0830. Noted Victoria without any serious interference at this hour except for splatter from Radio Marti on 6030. Female announcer's comments in Spanish. Splatter noted via Radio Marti, overwhelms Victoria making it barely audible by 0830. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

17745, Sudan Radio Service (Sines), 1536-1546, English. Man and woman talking about elections with mention of Sudan. Brief music at 1539 followed by woman talking about the National Election Commission. At 1543 two women discussed appropriate behavior if your candidate loses. Moderate signal with extremely deep fades into the noise. (Jim Evans, TN)

4989.94, Radio Apintie, (presumed), 1101-1115. Caught a very weak signal here, with a person in comments. Cannot pull out any details due to the threshold signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

11715, KJES (Vado, NM), 1522-1525, Spanish. Talk by woman. Strong signal with low audio and tremendous hum. Really not worth expending the power required to broadcast the signal if this is the best audio they can produce. (Jim Evans, TN)

15550 USB, WJHR, Milton, FL, 1500-1515. English religious talk. ID at 1502. Gospel music. Fair signal but occasional deep fades. Also heard with a good signal at 1725. (Brian Alexander, PA)

3252.70, WWRB, 0840-0850. Noted a female in English with program comments. Noted the signal being muffled and weak. This is a "Spur" from a placed called Manchester. I don't have the State unfortunately. (Chuck Bolland, FL)