
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Blog Logs

Thanks to Sean and Chuck for the following observations on shortwave radio today.
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequency

A quick tune around the 21MHz band with the Icom and inverted vee revealed, amongst some unidentifieds, the following on March 3, 2010.

21695, 1328 Voice of Africa, Sabrata in Swahili. Male announcer with mentions of Libya and Africa, then full station ID with echo effect) S-Meter: S9

Saudi Arabia
21600, 1346, BSKSA, Riyadh, Arabic.Male's recitations, noted some fairly shallow QSB, //21460. Carrier abruptly switched off in mid sentence at 1355. S-Meter: S9+30

21460, 1354, BSKSA, Riyadh, Arabic. Noted on // 21600 (but 15dB weaker) until 21600 carrier off at 1355. Recitations continuing on 21460. S-Meter: S9+10

21640, 1332, BSKSA, Riyadh, Arabic. Male host with possible interview, and what sounds like a telephone conversation. Lady announcer talking over some classical /Arabian type music then second female announcer joined in. S-Meter: S9+40

21505, 1351, BSKSA, Riyadh, Arabic. Noted on // 21640 (but 10dB weaker). Appears to be some kind of radio-play with vocal exchange between male/female duo, then alarm clock bleeping (!). Into announcer's voice-over during typical Arabic music. S-Meter: S9+30

21610, 1344, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, Spanish. On //21540, 21570. Announcer's rapid talk and additional comments. Lady announcer's station identification. Signal peaking 9+20dB, but rapid QSB. S-Meter: S8

21570, 1347, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, Spanish. Male/female host duo talk. Observed rapid QSB, // with 21540 and 21610 but signal weaker. S-Meter: S7

21540, 1350, Radio Exterior de España, Noblejas, Spanish. On //21610, 21570 but considerably weaker than either of the other frequencies. S-Meter: S4 (Sean Gilbert, UK/Cumbre DX)

4749.94, RRI Makassar, 1205-1220. Tuned in late, but noted a female in Indonesian conversing with two gentlemen of probably a news or current affairs program. Signal poor to fair, however by 1217 the signal had dropped to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1220-1230. Female conversing with a number of gentlemen which seemed like the same program I was monitoring on 4749.94 KHz. Unfortunately, the signal from 4749.94 had already faded to nil and it wasn't possible to check it. On frequency 9680, the signal was fair during the period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)