
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Deutsche Welle A10 English schedule

The first series of A10 schedules have been released. Over the coming weeks, I'll be posting a portion of English and non English schedules, that are effective 28 March, 2010.
Gayle Van Horn
Frequency Manager/Monitoring Times

Germany, Deutsche Welle - A10 - ENGLISH
Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010
All times UTC
daily unless otherwise indicated
target areas: af (Africa) as (Asia)

0000-0100 9885as 15595as 17525as

0300-0400 12005as 15595as

0400-0500 6180af 7240af 12045af 15400af

0500-0530 6180af 7430af 9700af 9825af

0600-0630 7325af 15275af

0900-0959 15340as 15640as 17820as

1600-1700 6170as 9485as 9540as 15410as

1900-1930 6150af 11795af 17865af

2000-2057 6150af 11795af 11865af

2100-2157 9735af 11865af 15640af
DW/wb, Germany)