
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

RFE Kyrgyz off the air

Radio Free Europe’s Kyrgyz television and radio programs have been off the air in the capital city of Bishkek since Wednesday (Mar 10), shortly after affiliate managers reported that they had been pressured by Kyrgyz officials.

RFE/RL’s Bishkek television affiliate station “Echo of Manas” was warned by Kyrgyz authorities that it would face difficulties in renewing its broadcast license if it continued to air the Kyrgyz Service’s widely viewed “Inconvenient Questions” and “Azattyk Plus” programs. Radio affiliates in Bishkek and the northern city of Naryn have also stopped carrying Kyrgyz Service programming.

The broadcasting of RFE/RL programs was halted just days before expected rallies and protests marking the fifth anniversary of the country’s so-called Tulip Revolution. The US State Department’s just released annual report on human rights in Kyrgyzstan noted that, while “the law provides for freedom of speech and of the press… the government at times restricted these rights in practice, especially through withdrawal of broadcasting rights and reportedly through intimidation of journalists.”

RFE/RL’s difficulties in Kyrgyzstan are not new. In late 2008, UTRK, Kyrgyzstan’s state broadcaster, suspended Radio Azattyk programming, calling its political content “too negative and too critical.” The company later offered to resume broadcasts on condition that all programming be submitted to state authorities for prior approval. RFE/RL rejected the proposal.
(Source: RFE/RL)

Andy Sennitt adds: Kim Andrew Elliott points out that RFE/RL Kyrgyz programming is still available on shortwave, at 1200-1230 UTC on 9465 and 13755 kHz, and 1500-1530 UTC on 7480 and 11790 kHz.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)