
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A small shortwave station run by a defector ....

A small shortwave station run by a defector has one small mission: to bring demoncracy to North Korea

Free North Korea Radio is giving voice to a growing opposition to the dictatorship, writes David McNeill in Seoul

BEGGARS HAVE returned to the streets of Pyongyang, income disparities are growing thanks to a botched currency reform, and simmering anger at the government threatens to boil over.

Ordinary North Koreans are increasingly waking from their long nightmare and blinking in the light of a once unthinkable scenario: life without ailing leader Kim Jong-il or his family of hereditary parasites.

“He is a hypocrite who only cares about himself,” one told Free North Korea Radio (FNKR). “We would be better off without him.”

Additional story at:
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India)