
Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1015-1030. Male/female in Spanish language conversatin until about 1026 when a series of promos and ID are heard. The frequency is clear of interference at this time which allows SC to be heard well.At 1028, live comments continue. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6155.33, Radio Fides, 1010-1020. Very faint signal on frequency of announcer's Spanish comments. Sometimes a female comments too. Tried for a better result with both the WR G305e and WJ HF1000 and both failed to produce much more than a faint signal, although the display from the WR was very much better showing Fides' signal well, even though there wasn't much audio. By the way, there was a stronger signal on 6155 KHz producing a het with Fides. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

4699.95, Radio San Miguel, 0950-1005. With a very weak signal, noted steady instrumental music. At 0957 a female comments in Spanish. Very difficult to glean any details since the signal is threshold. At 0959 signal suddenly inproves and a canned ID is heard as "Radio San Miguel ..." from a female and male. News followed presented by a male. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6160, Newfoundland, CKZN St. Johns, 2210, April 10, English. End of news with "CBC News.", "The World Ahead" program regarding Thai protests and Shroud of Turin. CBC promos. Fair signal.(Scott Barbour, NH)

6165, N'Djamena, 2219-2238. French. News and reports at tune-in. Pop ballads at 2224then announcer at 2229 with passing mentions of N'Djamena. Lite pops with announcer's items between selections. Signal fair-good. (Scott Barbour, NH)

6125, China National Radio One, 1035-1045. This is possibly the relay via Beijing which comes on the air at 1000 UTC according to AOKI. Noted various persons in Mandarin (listed) language comments. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4780, RTV Djibouti (Djibouti), 0308-0320. Arabic. Qu'ran recitation by man. Talk by man at 0311. Poor signal with CODAR interference and minimal fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

9704.2, Radio Ethiopia Addis Ababa, 2041-2054.* Vernacular text to Horn of Africa style music and brief announcements from lady announcer. Back to music at 2050, till signal off at 2054. Fair signal over 9705-Niger.(Scott Barbour, NH)

6890, Radio Fana (Addis Ababa) (presumed), 0347-0403. Amharic. Horn of Africa music. Talk by man at 0350 followed by music at 0354. Announcements by man and presumed news at 0401. Very poor signal. No parallels heard. (Jim Evans, TN)

4850, AIR Kohima. The Nagaland state assembly was in recess March 24, hence no special broadcast yesterday. Heard today with weaker than usual signal, 1210-1217: local religious singing till suddenly off. Found again at 1243 with the same program, 1300 program schedule for today and tomorrow in perhaps Hindi and English. Special review of Nagaland Chief Minister Rio’s remarks to the house assembly today regarding the state budget, in assume Hindi and English. 1315 into the usual Naga segment. (Ron Howard, CA)

4749.93, RRI Makassar, 0935-0945. At tune in, noted a female's Indonesian comments to 0938. Music presentation as signal was threshold, but this station usually fades in closer to the sunrise at my location. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

9680. RRI Jakarta, 1038-1050. Indonesian comments to music of local type melodies. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.87, Voice of Indonesia, 1043-1050. Signal is very threshold today. There's a display, but no audio can be heard. Can it be that they aren't broadcasting anything during this halfhour? Don't know, the schedule from AOKI says they should be in English between 1000 and 1100 UTC. Maybe the English announcer didn't show up? Tried hearing something using the HF1000 and had the same results of nothing. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

13850v, KOL Israel at 1500-1530 UT in Persian on 13850 even accompanied by two carriers of Iranian bubble jammers on 13849.88 and 13850.05 kHz, additional 120 Hertz buzz. No \\ 15640 traced, totally covered due of DRM Sines Portugal service on co-channel, latter S=9+30dB.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)

9750, NHK/Radio Japan Ibaragi, 1042-1102. Japanese. Banter between several ancrs ending at 1055. Announcer's talk and music biuts. Interval signal snippet and ID over lite music. Signal 3+1 pips into news. SignaL fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)

11960, Radio Jordan Amman in Arabic, scheduled 0500-0715 UT, but noted also much earlier at 0400-0500 UT like \\ 11810 kHz. S=poor 6-7 signal on Apr 13. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)

7270, RTM, 1040-1100. Tune in signal of steady local music to male announcer's chat at 1046. After a few comments, music returns. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL) 15295 Surprisingly fair level signal from RTM K-L Kajang,

English news read by Cambridge like high-British accent English newsreader.Still in progress at 0904 UT Apr 14. As beam headed of 133 degrees towards Pacific, I guess RTM signal signal came longpath across Pacific, Easter Island,Colombia, Bonaire and Azores to my post.(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews/HCDX)

6174.40, Voice of Malaysia via RTM, 1325-1400. Assume in Indonesian with pop songs. Several VOM IDs. Signal at 1400 1+1 pips and start of the Radio Suara Islam (Voice of Islam) program in vernacular. After 1400 was // 6049.60v (which before 1400 had the usual Asyik FM programming); best in LSB due to CNR-1 QRM on 6175.0. This is off set enough now that we should be able to have decent reception. This is a change from the past, in which I occasionally heard Radio Suara Islam on 6175.0, under CNR-1(Ron Howard,Asilomar Beach, CA/Cumbre DX)

7270, RTV Malaysia (Wai FM) (Kuching)(presumed), 1205-1236. Iban (per schedule). Initially two stations on frequency, one in a Malaysian dialect (strength increasing), and the other presumed to be PBS Nei Menggu (strength decreasing). Talk by man at woman at 1205 with a few bars of pop music here and there. Pop music at 1219, then chanting style music at 1229. Back to pop music at 1236. Weak signal, but dominating the frequency after 1215. (Jim Evans, TN)

9705, Voix du Sahel Niamey, 2054-2124. Vernaculars that sounded like a radio drama with occasional music bits. Continuos thru tune-out. SIgnal fair and in the clear after Ethiopia sign-off. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9705, La Voix du Sahel (Niamey), 2132-2240. French/Vern. Talk by man in vernacular, possibly a speech. Low audio talk by man at 2143 followed by tribal music at 2146. Flutes, then talk by woman in French at 2150. Flutes into upbeat local pop music at 2153. Announcement by man in French at 2200 followed by talk. Back to local pop music at 2203 with male DJ. Initially very weak, but increasing to moderate strength after 2150. Thanks to Brian Alexander for the initial tip regarding reactivation. (Jim Evans, TN)

Papua New Guinea
3905, Radio New Ireland (Kavieng), 1145-1200, 4/9/2010, Pidgin. Man talking to short selection of pop music at 1158, then more talk at 1200. Weak signal, very readable when in the clear, but bothered most of the time by ARO interference. Other PNG frequencies had no audio this morning. (Jim Evans, TN)

6019.30, Radio Victoria, 1020-1030. Spanish program comments. Radio Victoria mixing with the station on 6120 which is playing Raga type music - excuse the misspelled word. Even so, Victoria is audible with precise tuning and with a fair signal (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6173.92, Tawantinsuyo, 1047-1100. Male's Spanish comments off and on as the signal fades in and out. The signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1053-1105. Tune-in to Chinese comments. Bells at 1058, rung while ID or promos in Chinese. Was expecting an ID on the hour in English, but didn't happen. I'm thinking it'll be at 1157 instead of 1100. The program continues after 1100 with a male and female in more Chinese language comments and features. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5920 (ex: 6075), GTRK Kamchatka, 0710-0800 (ex: 0810-0900). As happens every year when they change the time, the frequency and schedule changes. Heard their local/
regional programming “Radio Rossii Kamchatka” via the Yelizovo transmitter site on the Kamchatka peninsula; same format as I reported March 24; frequent mentions of Kamchatka and “Radio Rossii Kamchatka” IDs, with BoH “This is Kamchatka”; mostly fair with moderate hum. Very nice not to contend with WBOH causing QRM here! Before 0710 and after 0800 found // 5940 and 7320, both via the transmitters at Arman, west of Magadan and // 7200 via the transmitter site outside Yakutsk (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA)

15195, Supposedly an additional Radio Tatarstan Kazan transmission in Russian noted at 0800-0900 UT, April 14. From Tatar Radio via Russian Samara tx center. Talk between female journalist and male musican from Kazan. Strenght jumped up to S=9+20dB level. Time pips at exact 0900 UT. Transmitter switch off at 09.00:45 UT. (wb, BC-DX Top News/HCDX)

Solomon Islands
5019.94, SIBC, 0920-0930. Male's Pidgin language comments. This is another of those weak signals where the noise is covering most of the audio. I'd say this catch is poor then. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4989.99, Radio Apintie, 0903-0930. Male's comments in possibly Dutch, followed by music program. This is one of those signals where nothing seems as it is, when the noise is so loud, the signal is almost imagined. Were it not for the display of a signal, I would have passed by this station on an ordinary receiver. I can't say this is threshold, because that would be an exaggeration. However, periodically the audio of the signal fades in for a moment or two which allows for some listening. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6200, PBS Xizang, 0930-1110.+ Noted a program of news and features presented by both a male and female in Tibetan language. Found a parallel to this on 7385 KHz which was much a better signal than 6200 which was poor, but was fading in so to speak. (Chuck Bolland, FL).