
Monday, May 03, 2010

QSL Report Central

A few QSL contributions cut from my QSL Report column in Monitoring Times, due to space constraints.
Gayle VH

Station: - HCJB Global Australia
Frequency:- 15400 kHz (transmitting from Kununurra in the northwest of Australia)
Time: - 0200-0230 UTC
Language:- Hindi
Description: - Barramundi fish. They live in both salt and fresh water, crocodiles love to eat them. They change sex from male to female when they reach over 85cm.

Station: - Deutsche Welle
Frequency: - 11995 kHz (Trincomalee)
Time: - 1500-1530 UTC
Language: - Hindi
Description: - Schweriner Dom.

Station: - Deutsche Welle
Date: - 29-12-2009
Frequency: - 9560 kHz (Trincomalee)
Time: - 1600-1700 UTC
Language: - English
Description: - Stuttgart Staatstheater.

Station: - Radio Free Asia
Date: - 30-12-2009
Frequency: - 15220 kHz (IBB Tinian) and 9385 (IBB Saipan)
Time: - 0200-0230 UTC
Language: - Tibetan
Description: - 13th Anniversary Card. This card commemorates RFA’s 13-years of broadcast excellence. The design was one of many created earlier this year by the children of RFA personnel and inspired by the work their parents create daily at RFA. This QSL is issued for all confirmed reception reports from September – December 2009. Please continue to send your reception reports to us at
(Mukesh Kumar, India)