
Friday, June 18, 2010

All India Radio updates external services


The following are the recent changes noted to AIR External Services.

11620 Aligarh 0015-0430 (Ex 0100-0430)
7410 Bangalore 1745-1945 English (W.NW Africa) (Ex 7550)
7550 Delhi 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi
2045-2230 English (Europe) (Ex7400, 7410)
9940 Delhi 1745-1945 English, 1945-2045 Hindi
2045-2230 English (Europe) (Irregular)
15075 Delhi 1615-1730 Hindi (Back on air)
9810 Panaji 0130-0230 Nepali (Back on air)
15185 Panaji 0315-0415 Hindi, 0415-0430 Gujarati,
0430-0530 Hindi (Back on air)

The updated lists are available as follows:

Complete SW in kHz order
External Services in Language order
External Services in Time order
Complete SW Stations order

(Jose Jacob-IND VU2JOS, DXindia June 15)
(BC-DX #968, wb, Germany)