
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*

nice selection of logs today from across the globe. What are you hearing ?
Gayle Van Horn

15476.0, LRA36 (presumed), 1432-1500.* Another day of above threshold level reception in Spanish. Latin American pop songs in Spanish, 1457 rock & roll song in English. Possible ID at 1500. Transmitter off at 1502.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6155.26, Radio Fides, 1010-1030. Threshold signal here with male's Spanish language comments. Believe I can hear a female talking also. The audio periodically faded in for a moment or two, but never anything steady. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5939.96, Radio Voz Missionaria Camboriu, 0208-0225. Portuguese. Religous sounding music and talk. Signal poor with huge 5935-PMS splash. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9410, CNR5, 1020-1030. Program of Chinese language features and commentary
by a female. Signal was at a poor level and very muffled. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6010, 0407-0415. Radio de tu Conciencia, in Spanish. Preaching religion in man's voice. The signal disappeared at about 0415. Weak signal and degrading. Recorded (Jorge Freitas, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

Costa Rica
3350, REE relay. 0449-0500. Spanih with male/female announcers with point/counter-point talk over middle3-of-the road music. Into solid music at 0454. Time signal pips and station ID at 0500. (Joe Wood, TN)

Dominican Republic
6025.0, Radio Amanecer, 0322. Religious singing till 0327 and seemed like a short announcement before probable going off. After that heard a very faint station on about 6024.96 with what sounded like Latin American pop songs and a DJ (definitely not the Radio Amanecer format), so maybe when conditions are good it is now possible to heard Radio Illimani/Patria Nueva (Bolivia) after Radio Amanecer goes off. Worth checking!(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6190 0234-0259, Deutschlandfunk in German. Classical music. At 0235, male talks and ID. At 0236, opera style music in male and female voice. At 0246, short male talks and more music. Help in ID via link . Very weak signal with better audio during the music. At 0259, signal completely covered by Radio Nederland in German, the same frequency. (Jorge Freitas, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

7125, Radio Guinee Conakry, 2158-2211. French. Brief announcer between "live" native music. Signal weak-poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)

3290, GBC Georgetown, 0800-0810. English. National anthem at tune-in. Male announcer with sign-on announcements and station ID. Musical ballad into religious/inspirational message. Music at 0810, signal weak but clear. (Scott Barbour, NH)

3340, Presumed HRMI Comayaguela, 0437-0443. Music ballads and announcer's Spanish over music. Signal poor and very noisy conditions. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9425, All India Radio-Bengaluru - National Channel, from 1435 to 1500. Monday (June 14) “Vividha” program in English about the 150th birth anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore, along with lecture about Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, Wednesday (June 16) “Vividha” with “Earth Beat”. Tuesday and Thursday “Vividha” is in Hindi. Different program on Friday in Hindi. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

9525.87, Voice of Indonesia, 0955-1005, English programming, first gave ID and address as, "Please send your receiption reports to the Voice of Indonesia, P.O. Box 1....". On the hour English continous with the news about Indonesia. Signal was
perfect this morning. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1003-1015. Noted a fair signal here with music and Indonesian comments over music by a male. Music continues as signal stays at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.83, Voice of Indonesia, 1030-1045, Female announcer in English with program comments with an ID at 1031 as "Voice of Indonesia ..." Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

7460, Radio Sweden relay via Talata-Volondry, 2143-2158.* English news regarding Swedish Royal couple's palace. Station ID at 2148. Report on aid to African countries. Pulled the plug at 2158. SIgnal poor-fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)

7105 (USB + carrier mode), RTV Malagasy. Continued with extensive daily World Cup coverage, randomly from 1310 to 1500.* Segments with commentary about the match, coverage of the action on the field, many on-air phone calls, back to play by play coverage. Ads and frequent promos with jingle for football Madagascar. Interesting contrast to the CNR-1 coverage which is mostly chit-chatting between announcers and seems like very little actual coverage of the play by play action on the field. CNR-1 has the ever present background of the vuvuzela horn blowing,whereas the Madagascar coverage does not have the buzz. June 22, 1335-1400, African high-life msic and pop songs, 1400-1450, 1400 usual canned cheering-gooooal-football Madagascar promo, into non-stop coverage of a World Cup match, 1450-1500.* Ads and African high-life music. Signal mostly fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6174.4v, Radio Suara Islam, 1406. Signal holding up very well against a strong CNR-1 on 6175.0, reciting from the Qu’ran - // 6049.6v. Signal poor-fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6009.92, Radio Mil, 0434-0453. It has been a long time since I last checked here, back when Voz de tu Conciencia totally dominated; was nice to find Radio Mil completely in the clear now with almost a fair signal, except for summertime QRN. Played mostly pop songs. Promo for Classic Fútbol to many IDs.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6184.95, XEPPM, Radio Educación 0356-0406. Easy-listening music. Spanish and English IDs (something like: This is Radio Educación, shortwave from Mexico City, XEPPM, 6,185 kHz. in the International Band of 49 meters, with 10,000 watts of power). Promo in Spanish and English for new series “discovery of Inca gold, on XEPPM Radio Educación shortwave from Mexico City”. If one listens long enough here, one is bound to hear some English. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

7255, Voice of Nigeria, Ikorodu, 2216-2231. Listed as Hausa service. Talking Drums at tune-in to news and mentions of Nigeria. Various African countries news. Talking Drums at 2227. Talk with station ID over music at 2230. Signal fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)

Papua New Guinea
3905, Radio New Ireland, Kavieng. 0757-0801 Reggae, local pop music alternating male seems in Pidjin. SINPO 35433 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX).

3290, NBC Central, relay of Radio Gadona 95.5 FM, 1224. Island song, 1301 bird calls. “News Roundup” in English. Frequent 95.5 FM IDs. Signal poor to almost fair.
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

Sri Lanka
11905, SLBC Colombo, 0046-0115. Listed as Hindi. Continuos Hindi-style ballads with briefs, woman announcer between selections. Positive ID announcment in English at 0114. Signal poor-weak at tune-in and steadily improving to fair by tune-out. (scott Barbour, NH)

3945, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila. 0748-0756. Tribal chorus followed by percussion music alternating male talks in English, female canned announcements, male outside. Reception earlier than usual, SINPO 25432 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

9635, VOV-1, 1302. Poor reception under CVC in Spanish, // to the other East Sea Broadcasting Service on 7435 (fair). Also // 5975 (fair) and 11720 (fair-good), in Vietnamese with speeches and marching music. I note that 11720 often has a brief period with no audio towards the bottom-of-the-hour, 9530 not on the air June 21 or 22. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)