
Monday, June 07, 2010

SLBC revises external service

Victor Goonetilleke writes: As of June 4, the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) has temporarily discontinued its service to Sri Lankan expats in South Korea on 15120 at 1030-1130 UTC via DW Trincomalee. Instead, SLBC has started another hour of Hindi to India on 11905 kHz via Trinco (azimuth 355 degrees) with 200kW at 1530-1630 UTC.

Reception reports will be welcome to:

Engineer AM Services
Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation
PO Box 574

SLBC in association with the Union of Asian DXers (UADX) will QSL all reports on all its shortwave broadcasts during June. If the project is successful we will extend it. The full schedule is:

0055-0330 (Sun 0430) UTC on 6005, 9780, 15745 kHz (English to Asia)
0020-0500 and 0830-1230 UTC on 11905, 7185 kHz
1530-1630 on 11905 kHz
1615-1830 on 11750 kHz
SLBC is also progressing with the installation of a 50kW mediumwave transmitter in Puttalam on 1125 kHz to beam to South India where there are large numbers of Sri Lankans who fled the war over the last 30 years, and also to strengthen the coverage to the North of Sri Lanka.
(Source: Victor Goonetilleke, UADX)