
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

August amateur radio special events

just a sample of amateur radio events

4K7, AZERBAIJAN. Yannick, F6FYD, will once again be here between August 3-20th. He will be active from the club station, 4K7Z, with his new callsign 4J6FR (previously 4J0FR). QSL via F6FYD.

5B/ZC4, CYPRUS. Tony, G0WFV, will be active from Cyprus between August 3-15th using the callsigns ZC4WFV and 5B/G0WFV. Activity will be sporadic using a Yaesu FT-817 and a homebrew vertical. Operations will be mainly 20 meters SSB, but other bands and modes are possible too.

9H, MALTA. Stephen, IZ0IWM, will be active as 9H3VY from here between August 11-20th. Activity will be QRP on the HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau or direct.

HH2, HAITI. Fazlay, S21RC, has received his amateur radio license to operate as HH2/S21RC from Port-Au-Prince until the end of September. He reports that last week, Roberto, YS1RS, helped him "install a mast and a 40m inverted V in the office space which is in a big container - we have plans to install a 20m antenna during the weekend." Starting August 2nd, look for HH2/S21RC to be active during the weekday evenings. He also hopes HH2/YS1RS will be active too. For updates, watch Fazlay's Web page at:
He is also on Twitter at:

EU-038. Frank, DK5FT, will be active as PA/homecall from Texel Island (WLOTA L-0043) on August 16-22nd. Activity will be on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the Bureau.

EU-113. Fred, PA1FJ, will be active as SV8/PA1FJ/p from Kythira Island (GIOTA INS-004, MIA MG-062, WLOTA L-1703) on August 23-30th. Activity will be on 20/15/10 meters using CW and SSB, possibly using a Yaesu FT-817 QRP transceiver (when it is repaired!) or his Kenwood TS-480 Buddistick and 20m dipole antenna. QSL via the Dutch QSL Bureau or eQSL.

NA-208. (Update) Cezar, VE3LYC, has announced that the Industry Canada has approved his request for the VY0X callsign. He also reports that there is no change in the schedule for this operation to Pelly Bay Island, and intends to be active for three days between August 11-15th. Details on the QSL information is available on the under VY0X.
(Ohio/Penn 970)