
Friday, August 13, 2010

Jeff White chats with the Two Bobs

Bob Thomann and Bob Zanotti, better known as The Two Bobs formerly of Swiss Radio International, have been friends with Jeff White for decades. Jeff started out as a shortwave listener, and then got into HF broadcasting himself, originally with a project called Radio Earth, and then later as the owner and operator of WRMI (Radio Miami International) based in Miami, Florida. He has also served as president of the US-based National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters (NASB).

In August 2010 Jeff White was in Switzerland for a meeting of the High Frequency Coordinating Committee (HFCC), which he organized, and he took the opportunity to pay a visit to Bob Zanotti in the Emmental. Bob Thomann joined them for a one-hour chat about the HFCC and the future of HF broadcasting.

You can find the interview in The Two Bobs menu on This special programme will also air on PCJ Radio and some of the partner stations.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)