
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Radio East Sepik active again

Really nice to see this station being logged again. Get this and other PNG stations while you can. Reports earlier they plan to leave shortwave and convert all services to FM. Unfortunately, I have yet to see a 'end of closure' date, however when available I will post it here - stay tuned.
Gayle Van Horn

Papua New Guinea station active again
3335, Radio East Sepik, Wewak, 1231, Jul 26. Male announcer taking very brief phone calls from listeners, speaking in combination of Tok Pisin and English, seemed to be a contest. Time check “25 minutes to 11” at 1239, so off a few minutes! Poor-fair. (Sellers). Nice to have it back on the air after 9 months absence! (DX Window # 407)