
Friday, August 27, 2010

Radio Netherlands Program Preview, Aug. 28-Sept. 3

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programs coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.

*** The State We're In ***

Crooked cop, straight goods: Eleven policemen have been implicated in the attempt to cover up the killing of unarmed civilians in New Orleans in the days following Hurricane Katrina. Robert Leon Davis knows something about police corruption. He was a crooked cop himself. After getting caught, he fled the US for over 20 years. Jonathan met with Robert in New Orleans to find out why he went bad, and why he decided to turn himself in.

Whirlwind romance: Hurricane Katrina came at just the right time for Paul Timmons and Nicole Saulnier. Both were wondering what to do with their lives when the hurricane struck. Both volunteered to help in the clear-up. That's where they met, and fell in love. They now live in New Orleans with their children.

Picking up the pieces: When Simone Bruni lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, she didn't know how to put her life back together. So she decided to tear down and rebuild her home. That led to a whole new career of being a "Demolition Diva", demolishing and restoring post-Kartina New Orleans, brick-by-brick.

Bounce music: Katey Red and Big Freeda are hot in New Orleans. They're the biggest stars in Bounce music and have come to be known as Sissy Rappers - a reference to their sexuality. Jonathan goes to one of their homes in New Orleans together with the DJ Rusty Lazer and gets the full Sissy Rap Treatment!

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
10.00 Africa and Asia
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Network Europe Week ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe. If you missed any editions of

Network Europe satisfy your needs with this digest of the programme's top stories.`

This week:

· Will anyone settle for peace? - the EU is asked to help keep Middle East talks alive.
· Italy clampdown - freedom of movements ok, but only if you're the right sort.
· Is it art or is it trash? Or maybe it's trash-art.
· Being Facebook friends with North Korea.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.30 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Radio Books ***

'The Birds' - by Luc De Vos
Flemish columnist and writer Luc De Vos is also the lead singer with the Belgian pop group Gorki. He's a regular guest on TV programmes and has written a series of autobiographical novels.

His Radio Books story begins in 1978 when a young priest is teaching religion and music to adolescent boys - including one from an important political family. Thirty years later the boy is the country's new premier when he encounters the priest again - in a most unusual manner!

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
18.30 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
19.30 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
10.30 Africa and Asia
12.30 North America
14.40 Europe

*** Network Europe Extra ***

Arts and Culture brought to you each Sunday from Europe's widest partnership of international broadcasters.

This week:
· Be prepared to be amazed as women surrealist painters become all the rage.
· For the young at heart, the cute and cuddly are on display at a Parisian zoo.
· Living art? Bio-chemical photographs showcased in Ljubjana.
· Poland's emerging fashion industry.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
1530 South Asia 11835, 15745

*** Classic Dox ***`

'At the Edge in Soweto'
On the edge of Johannesburg, densely populated Soweto is where Freddy and Sibusiso, young men in their 20s, live and are looking for work. Unemployment among young people there is higher than the national average and rising. Anza Dali is looking for a job too. She explores how Freddy and Sibusiso cope with long-term unemployment and the constant temptation to make a 'fast buck' rather than an honest buck.

This SAFM programme is part of the international exchange series Global Perspective.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.30 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.30 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
10.30 Africa and Asia
12.00 North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
17.00 Europe

*** European Jazz Stage/World Music ***

The vocal side of things, with two very different artists: American singer Curtis Stigers at the North Sea Jazz Festival, and from the Schaffhausen Jazz Festival in Switzerland Swedish singer Marielle Racine. All of that, on the European Jazz Stage with Hans Mantel.

*** Live! at the Concertgebouw ***

The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra conducted by Leonard Slatkin plays a Beethoven Overture and the Sibelius Violin Concerto. Christian Tetzlaff is our soloist. Hosted by Hans Haffmans and Cynthia Wilson.

*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***

Crooked cop, straight goods: Eleven policemen have been implicated in the attempt to cover up the killing of unarmed civilians in New Orleans in the days following Hurricane Katrina. Robert Leon Davis knows something about police corruption. He was a crooked cop himself. After getting caught, he fled the US for over 20 years. Jonathan met with Robert in New Orleans to find out why he went bad, and why he decided to turn himself in.

Bounce music: Katey Red and Big Freeda are hot in New Orleans. They're the biggest stars in Bounce music and have come to be known as Sissy Rappers - a reference to their sexuality. Jonathan goes to one of their homes in New Orleans together with the DJ Rusty Lazer and gets the full Sissy Rap Treatment!

*** Africa in Progress ***

'Urban trees'
When we hear of tree farming, we often think of rural areas. But trees are as important in our towns as they are in our rural areas. In this programme, we discuss the importance of trees in our towns and cities. They can help increase our food production, they bring shade and clean air and they can make our cities more beautiful.

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Commonwealth Story ***

A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2009 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.

Caramel - by Princeton Ebanks from Jamaica.
A high school girl dreams of glamour and escape.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065

Broadcast times on WRN
10.00 Africa and Asia
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Live! at the Concertgebouw ***

The Orchestra des Champs Elysées under conductor Philippe Herreweghe is visiting the Concertgebouw. They perform great music by Hector Berlioz, from Romeo and Juliet, and his Symphonie Fantastique. Hosted by Hans Haffmans and Cynthia Wilson.

*** Classic Dox ***

'Wedge Island'
North of Perth, Western Australia - on a rugged and secluded stretch of coastline - is a settlement time forgot. Its shacks are makeshift creations fashioned out of corrugated iron with no electricity or running water. It's a holiday in the finest Australian beach shack tradition. But it could all be about to end. Officially, the residents of Wedge Island are squatters. Twenty years ago the government introduced its Squatter Removal Policy, slowly working its way down the coast demolishing more than 600 shacks. Wedge Island is next in line. But the shackies are shaping up for the fight of their lives.

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Reloaded ***

Weekly highlights presented by Mindy Ran

*** Classic Dox ***

'Living in Limbo'
No-one is more marginalized in the UK than asylum seekers who have not had their applications accepted, but not been asked to go - sometimes for as long as eight years. Collen thinks his four years of asylum claims and appeals may be at an end, but is too frightened to return to Zimbabwe. Thomas, from Eritrea, doesn't know yet if he can stay in the UK after originally claiming asylum as a teenager seven years ago. Jenny Cuffe investigates the impact of this long wait on their lives.

This BBC programme is part of the international exchange series Global Perspective 2010.

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Earth Beat - South Asia edition ***

A short version of RNW's environmental programme Earth Beat produced for broadcast in partnership with All India Radio.

*** South Asia Wired ***

Afghan analyst Martine van Bijlert talks to Dheera Sujan about her insiders view of the complicated and multi-layered relationship Afghanistan has with the international community.

*** Classic Dox ***

'Feet First'
In August 2009, an arsonist started a fire that burned more than 160,000 acres in the mountains around Los Angeles County. The mountains have long been home to pockets of residents, but in recent decades neighbourhoods have boomed with large housing developments. Some residents in the fire zone knew and accepted the risks of living there, but many had no idea they were living so near to danger. Many residents simply won't give up on their properties and the lifestyle they symbolise. Eve Troeh follows families who evacuate and still return, and the fight they have with public officials who want to shut the neighbourhood down.

This programme produced by Soundprint Media Center is part of the international exchange series Global Perspective 2010.

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Bridges with Africa ***

We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa. The show goes beyond the clichés of starving children and war-ridden countries and seeks to bring you genuine voices from a vibrant continent.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Earth Beat ***

This week on Earth Beat, we ask: "What's lurking under the waves?"
As a ten-year project to take stock of fish stocks prepares to publish its results, we ask how you go about counting all the fish in the sea?
We also have other fishy tales on the show, including an interview with the author of '4 Fish'. He tells us how four fish types can teach us a more responsible way of farming the sea. Land-based stories in the show include several quests for water and struggles to cope without it.
Water woes and fishy stories, on Earth Beat.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.30 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065

*** Classic Dox ***

'Little Fish in a Multiculti Pond'
A short tram ride from the centre of Amsterdam is a neighbourhood called the Baarsjes, or "little fish." One-and-a-half square kilometres house 35,000 residents - more than half of which are foreigners from 126 countries. The largest immigrant communities are from Morocco and Turkey. Such multicultural diversity in such a small area has not been without serious problems. But residents believe they can make a difference by taking initiatives to bring this diverse community together.

This programme was part of the international exchange series Global Perspective 2007.

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America

(R Netherlands)