
Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Blog Logs - Clandestines

A quick overview of clandestine stations currently being logged on shortwave. Heard any clannys lately ?

All times UTC // parallel frequency

700 MW, Polisario Front, Rabouni, near Tindouf, Algeria // 6297 has been in use again since Aug 06, but not on 1550 MW. I observed these two every day between Aug 01 and 23, and only 700 and 6297 are used, sometimes with problems like the ones described, viz. empty carrier, roaring sound (this is actually what they use to play as "IS" right before sign-on). (Gonçalves, Aug 25)

3912, Voice of the People, Kyonggi-do, South Korea, 0923-0930, Sep 03. Korean talks, SINPO 25322. (Otávio)

4880, SW Radio Africa, via Meyerton. Station has since the end of Aug been jammed by Zimbabwe during their newscasts. Robert Mugabe’s regime has resumed jamming news broadcasts from SW Radio Africa, despite the existence of the coalition government with the MDC, that is supposed to guarantee freedom of expression. On We Sep 01 the first half hour of our broadcast featuring Newsreel was drowned out by a heavy noise, sounding like a slow playing record. SW Radio Africa listeners told us that soon after the news ended the jamming noise stopped and the rest of the broadcast featuring current affairs programming could be heard clearly.
( ). (Slaen and Savolainen)

5910, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata,*1400-1430*, Aug 27. English, usual segments of “Today’s News Flash” and “Today’s News on North Korean Issues”. IDs “This is Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan”. Poorer than usual due to moderate jamming. They have added a new segment. At 1425 heard “this is a message from the Japanese goverment will be broadcasting (every night?) a program in Japanese and Korean on 9000 kHz. This announcement followed by Shiokaze's normal canned sign off announcement. On We Aug 25 was in Korean, not the normal English programming. (Howard)

13730, Radio Dabanga, via Wertachtal, 1644, Sep 04. Several instances of man or men singing “Radio Dabanga.” Music, announcement in Arabic. Good signal (Sellers)

15225, Save the Gambia Democracy Project (STGDP) Baati Rewmi Radio / Voice of the Country, via Nauen, 1820-1830, Aug 28. Transmission to West Africa in Fula/Wolof/English. At 1825 ID in English and talk in vernacular, local song, SINPO 44444. (Slaen)

15410, Radiyo Y'Abadanga Ababaka, via Issoudun, 1750-1800, Aug 28. Transmission to East Africa in Swahili, report, SINPO 24422. (Slaen)

17745, Sudan Radio Service, via Sines, Portugal, 1500-1530, Sep 04, IDs. “Lets Talk” program with radio-drama and discussion about problems in southern Sudan. Short breaks of Afro-pop music. Into Arabic at 1530. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Alexander in Dxplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window 410)