
Friday, September 03, 2010

Euro pirate, Spaceshuttle International weekend programming

Dear friends,

Some actions from Radio Spaceshuttle International during this weekend:

48 mb (main frequency 6310 kHz- alternative ones lower on band)
-Friday evening from 18:30 (or somehow later) UTC
-some other lounches on sunday morning perhaps (very early).....

31 mb (9290 or 9270 kHz)
-Sunday morning 08:30 UTC

24 mb 12265 kHz
-Sunday 11:00 UTC

Reports welcome:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
6049ZG Herten
The Netherlands

E-mails of audibility or conditions as well any greetings and wishes very warmly welcome before, during and after transmissions!
