
Thursday, September 02, 2010

Uganda shortwave frequency update


// parallel frequency

4976 Radio Uganda, Kampala, 2115-2132 (gone at rechek, 2148 UT),22 Aug'10, Vernacular, Afrrican music, SINPO 45433.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 25)

Uganda daytime 7195, nighttime 4976v.
Broadcast intruder which seems to be Radio Uganda again heard on 7195 kHz at 0915Z on Friday 27th August.
73, Ted 5Z4NU (portable at Kilifi, 36 miles north of Mombasa). Aug 27.

Radio Uganda has left 7195 kHz, is now on 4975.9 kHz QSA5. Ted, Thanks for the additional information. We look forward to further confirmation that Uganda has indeed moved from 7195kHz completely.
Chuck Skolaut K+BOG Field & Regulatory Correspondent
ARRL The national association for Amateur Radio k0bog Aug 25

Radio Uganda has left 7195 kHz, is now on 4975.9 kHz QSA5.
Hello Chuck, Many thanks for your kind remarks, but really credit is all due to Bill 5X1JM in Kampala, I merely passed on the news to him. He has now had a formal acknowledgement from UCC who are still investigating, and we are also awaiting their consent to amateur use in Uganda of the 7100- 7200 kHz segment of the band. We have that in Kenya, thankfully, but as far as I know not yet in Tanzania, Burundi or Rwanda, who are all part of the EA Community.
73, Ted 5Z4NU Aug 25

Dear Ted, this is indeed very good news. Pse convey my best thanks to Bill Musoke 5X1JM as his complaints and reports to the Ugandan authorties worked: Effictive 21 August 2010 UBC Radio Uganda has left 7195 kHz and QSY'd to 4975.9 kHz.

Already on August 20 I had sent emails and a FAX to the Ugandan Embassy in Berlin and to UBD in Kampala. Of course no reply, so far!

I have heard the transmissions of UBC on 4975.9 kHz myself last night at 2104 UTC. The signal was S=9 with my 80- and 40-m-dipole (Inverted Vee and \\ to each other, favourite direction north-south). Modulation was hollow and always a bit distorted. Bcos of the "crooked" QRG it is easy to hit the correct frequency easiyly. Have a try!

Thanks again for your effort, pse QSP to Bill 5X1JM, and all the best yours, Uli, DJ9KR Vice Coordinator of IARU MonSys Intruder Watch Region 1
(Intruder Watch Organisations)
(BCDX # 978 via Wolfgang Bueschel)