
Friday, November 12, 2010

50th Anniversary broadcast set for Nov. 14

There will be a special broadcast via the 100 kW transmitter at Moosbrun, Austria, to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Austrian Military Radio Society, The society was formed for the Austrian forces to use amateur radio to communicate during Peace Support Missions.

The transmission will be conducted on November 14 at 1000-1030 UTC targetd to Europe on 6155 kHz and 1600-1630 UTC on 17620 kHz, targeted to Eastern North America.

Amateur radio station OE50ARMS will operate after the broadcast on 7120 kHz for Europe and 14210 kHz for North America.

QSLs are via . The Austrian Military Radio Society website is at (A-DX via Wolfgang Bueschel/Oct DX News via Mikw Barraclough, UK)