
Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 Clandestine Activity Survey


2010 Clandestine Activity Survey

During the year 2010 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on shortwave has remained almost unchanged from last year and is now at 1092 WBHs (Weekly Broadcasting Hours). This is an increase of just 4 WBHs or 0.3% from 12 months ago.

The activity of clandestine station broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has decreased by 1.9% to 730 WBHs. On the American continent the activity has increased by 8.6% to 214 WBHs and on the African continent activity has remained almost unchanged at 148 WBHs.

The most active target areas worldwide are North Korea with 274 WBHs (+22 when compared with last year), Cuba with 214 WBHs (+17) and China P.R. with 189 WBHs (-37).

The number of active target areas worldwide has increased from 17 to 20. The new target areas are Malaysia, Uganda and Djibouti.
(Mathias Kropf-D, WDXC-UK Dec 19
(BC-DX # 995/Top News via wb, Germany)