
Friday, January 21, 2011

Detsche Welle ordered to tighten it's broadcast focus

Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet yesterday ordered Deutsche Welle to tighten its focus and to cut back its programming for Germans living abroad. Deutsche Welle, which is funded by the German taxpayer and broadcasts in some 30 languages, is to pare back its shortwave and mediumwave radio transmissions - once the backbone of the service - and concentrate on FM broadcasts in selected countries.

Deutsche Welle, which receives 273 million euros ($368.4 million) in annual funding, also has television broadcasts and webcasts. The new instructions were based on a 400-page report by Deutsche Welle on how it plans to change.

The internet, which allows Germans all over the world to catch up with news from German websites, has reduced the need for Deutsche Welle to address German expatriates. Regular German TV channels are also accessible by satellite far from home. In future Deutsche Welle, which has a workforce of 1,500, is to focus on its audience of non-Germans and pay greater attention to German foreign policy interests, according to the cabinet resolution. Up to 2013, it will also gradually focus on key audiences in Asia, Africa, Arab nations and Latin America. Shortwave radio transmissions will be mostly dropped, and will only continue to a few regions, an announcement said.
(Source: DPA via Netherlands Media Network Weblog)