
Monday, January 31, 2011

New changes from the Pacific reported on shortwave

Solomon Islands
5019.88, SIBC. Randomly from 1319 to 1440* (sign-off)UTC, Jan 31. Extended schedule. Poor to almost fair in QRN, in Tok Pisin language. Mostly playing pop island songs to interviews, weather. Usual English sign-off at 1438 announcement, followed by national anthem. Best in LSB due to Cuba interference from 5025. Per Sei-ichi Hasegawa's recent reports, Vanuatu has gone to 24 hour broadcasting and The Cross has been reactivated, so the Pacific is finally becoming more active on shortwave.
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

As noted from my earlier EDXP Newsletter posting, religious shortwave broadcaster Cross Radio via Pohnpei, Micronesia has reactivated, and has been observed on 4755 kHz to the 0934 sign-off. According to their website, Canadian technicians arrived, " last week of January 2011 to work on our transmitters for our shortwave radio." I will post their schedule and additional information, as it becomes available.
Gayle VH