
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The Cross Radio revises broadcast schedule

Special thanks to Ron Howard for keeping me updated on the revised operating schedule for The Cross Radio. After extended antenna problems, Galcom engineers have assisted the station in returning to the air. The Cross Radio is a ministry of Pacific Missionary Aviation, on the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. Station Manager, Sylvia Kalau advises listeners the station is currently operating for the following tentative schedule.

All times UTC/ broadcast daily, targeted to Asia

0000-0100 4755
0100-0200 4755
0200-0300 4755
0300-0400 4755
0400-0500 4755
0500-0600 4755
0600-0700 4755
0700-0800 4755
0800-0900 4755
0900-0930 4755
2130-2200 4755
2200-2300 4755
2300-0000 4755
(revision 2/8/2011 from former 24 hour schedule)

Reception reports are acccepted by email to . Station address: Pacific Missionary Aviation, The Cross Radio, P.O. Box 517, Pohnpei FM 96941, Federated States of Micronesia.


4755.44, The Cross Radio clearly off the air Feb 7 during checks at 1318 + 1348 + 1403 + 1429 + 1443. Jim Young (CA) heard them last night (Feb 7 UT): "The Cross was in very early tonight, first heard audio nearly 30 minutes earlier at 0642! At 0713 they are strong! Measured frequency tonight is 4755.452". Will have to see what tomorrow brings. Am happy that I already have two nice verifications for this one!
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)