
Friday, February 04, 2011

Early Days of Radio Canada International

Eric Koch has posted two interesting videos about the early days of Radio
Canada International to Youtube. These are:
The Voice of Canada --- During 1943, the government of Mackenzie King
decided that Canada should join the US and England as a shortwave
broadcaster. The CBC and the Department of External Affairs set about
creating the International Service (now called Radio Canada International).
Eric Koch and Helmut Blume began broadcasting to Germany in late 1944.
Although this was thought of as a form of "psychological warfare" in support
of the war effort, it was really a promotion of democracy and information
about Canada. In fact, after the war, arrangements were made with German
broadcasters to provide educational programming about Canada. Additionally,
visits were made to POW camps across Canada -- 32,000 people until
repatriation was completed in 1947.
(Feb Contact 2011/Alan Roe)