
Friday, February 04, 2011

EBU calls for end of journalist harrasment

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) today called on Egyptian authorities to protect reporters working in Egypt, and ensure that they are not harassed and are allowed to report freely. “We condemn all violence towards journalists and urge Egyptian authorities to ensure the safety of journalists as they bring the story to the world,” said the EBU’s Director General, Ingrid Deltenre. She added “The continuing harassment and intimidation of journalists, and interference with newsgathering have to end immediately.”

The number of reports of violence towards journalists operating in Egypt has increased dramatically in the past few days. Ms. Deltenre went on to say that: “Media freedom is a fundamental human right, and we ask Egyptian authorities to ensure that it is respected, especially at this time. Independent and impartial newsgathering is essential to public media organizations. The EBU calls on the authorities in Egypt to ensure that our Members and all journalists can operate freely in Egypt.”
(Source: EBU/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)