
Thursday, February 24, 2011

South of Sudan to become independent soon

Amateur Radio

The south of Sudan is going to become independent soon. As it looks right now the south of Sudan may declare its independence on July 9. It is very likely that the new country will get a new name without "Sudan" in its name. There are already two DXpedition teams ready to
be there in time. One group includes Alex,5Z4DZ/PA3DZN, Robert,S53R, and Martti,OH2BH. The "Intrepid-DX Group" led by Paul,N6PSE, plans an activity as soon the country declares its independence. They already applied for the callsign ST0DX though it is not clear yet if the south of Sudan gets its old prefix ST0 back again.
Keep informed about the DXpeditions on the websites: and
(Pete's DX Newsletter)