
Monday, March 07, 2011

Radio Nord revival on shortwave, March 8

We just got the confirmation from The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) that our application for MW 1512 kHz and SW 6060 kHz has been approved. On March 8 at 0848 UTC/GMT (0948 CET) we will start by broadcasting the opening of Radio Nord just as it was aired on this date in 1961. We will also make some short test transmissions on these frequencies before our regular programme starts.

If you catch our signal please comment in this blog and let us know how well you can hear us in your area. QSL cards will be available later.

Additional post
Bernt Nyberg of Sala reports that the aerial for the SW transmitter will have to be moved as it was probably the fact that the antenna was located too closely to his workshop that caused the transmitter to shut itself down.

The aerials for both SW and MW will now be moved out into a logging coupe some 150 metres from the house and if everything goes well test transmissions could take place in the evening on Monday, March 7. We should be on the air as planned on March 8 at 0848 UTC/GMT (0948 CET). Below a pic of the SW transmitter. It is a Collins 208U-10-A with exciter TD90 from Swedish SRT.