
Monday, April 25, 2011

Philippine FM rock station shifts to Facebook

Philippine FM radio station RJ UR 105.9 will soon go off the air to vacate the frequency it has been leasing. But the young station is taking its rock programming to Facebook, reports the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Currently on test broadcast, the station, now known as UR Faceradio, has opened its own page on the most popular social networking site.

“I think we’re the first radio station in the Philippines to broadcast direct from Facebook,” said owner Ramon Jacinto II. Mr Jacinto explained that UR’s migration to Facebook would allow listeners to see the DJ at the booth as well. He added that UR Faceradio would be totally interactive in real time soon.

UR Faceradio will be launched on 28 May with six simultaneous concerts on live streaming.

(Source: Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)