
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blog Logs

Thanks to all of the contributor's that have shared their recent loggings. Contributions are always welcome and our blog readers would love to see what you're hearing from your listening post. Please send your observations to the email address in the above masthead. Good listening to all.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*

Logs edited for clarity

2485, VL8K-ABC Katherine, NT, 1217-1230. Music show to ABC news 1230-1240. News dealt with mostly local Darwin and Northern Territory stories.Tony Delroy's Nightlife show with author of new book on step-families. Noted on // 2310 VL8A Alice Springs North Territory. Both stations mostly poor. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

9745USB, Radio Bahrain (tentative) 2253-2258. Two announcer's in Arabic at tune-in. Talk over music at 2255. Signal lost under co-channel Romanian interval signal at 2258. Barely audible - need to try an hour later after Romania signs-off. (Scott Barbour, NH).

4716.44, Radio Yura Yura, 0031-0045. Nice Bolivian ballads to tentative Spanish announcement at 0035. More music with bits of chat between selections. Signal poor with music coming thru nicely. (Scott Barbour, NH).

4795.88, Radio Lipez, 0133-0140. Nice Bolivian music with brief announcer's Spanish between music tunes. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

5952.494, Emisora Pio XII, 2350-2359. Noted faint audio with possibly Spanish comments. Signal tended to fade in better, but was just threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

6055.08, Radio Juan XXIII (San Ignacio de Velazco) 1106-1115. Spanish messages for all departments..."anuncio para el Barrio Santa Rosa...aviso para...menjsaje para." Interference from Radio Tanpa, Tokyo, Japan on 6055 kHz. SINPO 43433. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina).

6134.822, Radio Santa Cruz, 0010-0030. Good signal and noted a very strong and clear signal on frequency with steady music. Hopefully will remain for an hour or so before the band goes out. Noted later at 0030-0045 with hardly any audio and as conditions improved, noted a weak signal with music only (Chuck Bolland, FL).

4775, Radio Congonhas (presumed), 0047-0103.* Portuguese religious sonding programming. Announcer's voice over music to 0100. Poor signal. (Scott, Barbour, NH).

4878.50, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0345-0403.* Portuguese pop music to Portuguese announcements. Station sign-off with national anthem at 0400. SIgnal poor. (Brian Alexander, PA).

4878.56, Radio Difusora Roraima, 0108-0114. Portuguese ballads to ads and promos at 0111 Solid station ID at 0112, then back to music. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

9586.70, Super Radio Deus e Amor, 0445-0530. Noted somewhat off normal 9581. This frequency tends to vary anywhere between 9581-9594 kHz. Portuguese religious talk to station ID. Signal very weak and // 6120.02, 9565.26 and 11764.94 (Brian Alexander, PA).

15189.99, Radio Inconfidencia, 0145-0155. Romantic Brazilian ballads to Portuguese anniuncements. Signal very weak on // 6010.02, weak and poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).

6159.98, CKZU Vancouver, 1200-1212. CBC news followed by chat about Canada Day. Signal generally fair. (John Wilkins, CO)

15445, China Radio International via Kashi, 0414-0419. Russian service with lady announcer's talk. Signal moderate with little fading. (Brian Alexaner, PA).

5935, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Yamata, Japan, 1331 and 1402. Korean service with fair signal and lite jamming with Myanmar hetrodyne (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

6030, Radio Oromiya, *0322-0340. Sign-on with marimba interval signal. Opening announcements in Oromo at 0329. Local music at 0331. Signal poor-fair with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA).

11530, Voice of Mesopotamia via Ukraine, 0403-0430. Tune-in to national anthem and indigenous vocals at 0404. Kurdish music during fair signal with no sign noted of WEWN spurs, but slowly deteriorated to a very weak/threshold signal by 0430. (Brian Alexander, PA).

6009.92, LV de Conciencia, 0305-0332. Local pop music to Spanish talk and station ID. Mentions of Colombia with a poor-fair signal quality and adjacent channel splatter. Frequency constantly drifting up and down between 6009.91-6009.95 kHz. (Brian Alexander, PA).

7175, Voice of the Broad Masses-Program 2, *0257-0320. Station sign-on with interval signal. Vernacular talk at 0300 into local Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal, heard // 9820.04. Was on 9715.03 for the past several nights, but has now moved back to 9820.04. Also heard // 7204.98 (Brian Alexander, PA)

9739.03 (new freq) Voice of the Broad Masses, 0320-0345. Another new frequency for this station. Vernacular talk and some Horn of Africa style music, 9730.03 off the air between approximately 0327-0332. Weak and poor signal with adjacent channel splatter.Noted parallel 7175 kHz and no other // stations noted. (Brian Alexander, PA).

9705, Radio Ethiopia, 2040-2101.* Amharic talk to local folk and US pop music. Short music clips featuring Euro and US pops. Station sign-off with national anthem at 2059. Signal fair. (Brian Alexander, PA).

9580, Afrique Numero Un via Moyabi, 2101-2114. French news and recorded comments to ID and promo string. Station jingles at 2109. Arabic style pop music at 2113 Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

6189.88, Deutschelandfunk Berlin-Britz, 0141-0206. German service. Spanish classical flavored acoustic guitar music to brief announcer's item at 0154. Signal weak but clear. (Scott Barbour, NH).

4055, Radio Verdad, 0515-0607.* English religious program, Through the Bible with talk and music. Multilingual ID announcement at 0556. Sign-off with national anthem at 0603. Poor to fair signal despite thunderstorm's local noise. (Brian Alexander, PA).

4055, Radio Verdad, 0118. Spanish choral music and announcer's Spanish bits. Poor signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

15630, Voice of Greece, 0420-0425. Traditional Greek music to Greek comments by male announcer. Signal weak sbut steady. (Jim Evans, TN).

5765, AFN/AFRTS, 1227. Messages for military personnel to news at 1229. Diego Garcia site 4319 not heard. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)

9910, TWR/KTWR via Agana, 1116-1129. Lenghtly Mandarin talk to woman's announcement over music. Station Id at 1128 and website URL and contact info. Music at 1129. Poor-fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).

7125, Rdif Nationale, 2155-2205. Local marimba music to French talk. "Radio-difussion Nationale" ID. Gone by 2226 recheck. Signal fair-good. Also noted on this frequency 0550-0640 with indigenous vocals, local tribal music and chants. Signal poor-fair (Brian Alexander, PA).

7129, Rdif Nationale, 2218-2236. French announcements and talk to indigenous music bits. Recorded comments to xylophone music at 2229 and vocal music with talk-over. String and Horn of Africa style music to 2231. Announcer's tentative ID noted as "R-T-G" in passing. Talk between music bits for fair signal qualkity. (Scott Barbour, NH).

4920, All India Radio-Chennai. Hindi service with announer's newscast. SIgnal fair with interference from Tibet. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

5010, All India Radio-Thiruvananthapuram, 1242. Hindi service covering man's speech at 1245. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

15075, All India Radio-Bangaluru, 0400-0411. Hindi service with man talking-counded like a public speaker rather than a studio announcer. Good signal strength, but declining slowly. (Jim Evans, TN).

4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1104-1140. News/talk to 1121, then regional vocals with occasional "RRI" and "RRI Makassar" IDs. Program mix of talk and music after 1230. Fair signal quality. (John WIlkins, CO).

4749.968, RRI Makassar, 1020-1030. Noted only music during this listening period, was was soft listening style. At 1030, noted male announcer's comments. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

4789.96, RRI Fak Fak, 1201. Station back again with Jakarta news relay to 1226 with their usual patriotic/national song, which sounded much improved. News and song noted // with Palangkaraya (3325) RRI Makassar (4749.95) and RRI Jakarta (9680) but not parallel with RRI Ternate on 3344.96. Station was off the air by 1240 recheck. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

9526, Voice of Indonesia, 1309. English service of lady announer's closing news items and station ID, then press editorials. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

11705, NHK Radio Japan, 1403. English service for male/female's Asian newscast topics. Signal fair. (Harold Sellers,BC Canada).

15195, NHK Radio Japan, 0400-0417. Japanese talk by male announcer, joined by lady at 0417. Moderate signal strength with rather deep fades. (Jim Evans, TN).

6130, Lao National Radio, 1326. Station rarely heard at this decent level. Adjacent interference. Indigenous vocals. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

6130, Lao National Radio, 1149. Indigenous pop songs, assume in Laotian, followed by routine theme music and rining of the distinctive gong/bell rung seven times. Anthem, news but only heard bits of news due to varying amounts of adjacent interference/splatter. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6049.62, Asyik FM, 1200-1240+. Played Tom Jones' Green Green Grass of Home tune, followed by "Asyik FM" jingle and several minutes of chat by male/female announcers in local language. Local vocals and chat to past 1230. Qur'an at 1240. Good signal - holding up past 120 and still active at 1300 although weak. (John Wilkins, CO).

6049.7, RTM Kuala Lumpur, 1303. Malay service for pop music from female host. Fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

7295, Traxx FM, 1200-1211. English program with brief news bulletin, then pop vocals after 1203. Signal fair with amateur radio interference. (John Wilkins, CO).

9835, Sarawak FM, 1250. Malay service for pop music from female hosat, noted on // 5030 fair signal quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

7245, ORTM Mauritanie, *0550-0640. Abrupt sign-on with local chants. Arabic talk at 0629 and local flute music for good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA).

7185.74, Myanma Radio, 1142. Program in vernacular. Not on the air by check at 1234, normally would be a 1330.* (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).

7200.05, Myanma Radio, 1109. Back on their normal frequency despite poor reception. Most of the stations I have heard so well were mostly noted poor today. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

7200.08, Radio Myanma (presumed) 1133-1203. Female announcer's text - possibly a newscast in unknown language. Vocal music at 1145 and continuing past 1200. Poor signal quality (John Wilkins, CO).

New Zealand
15720, Radio New Zealand International, 0423-0430. Two men discussing New Zealand's crime, law and order and death penalty. Very good signal. (Jim Evans, TN).

7255, Voice of Nigeria, 2134-2200. Listed as Fulfude service. Announcer's talk to indigenous music. More announcements at 2157 to 'talking drums' and station ID. Fair signal. (Scott Barbour, NH).

North Korea
11710, Voice of Korea, 1341. English service covering item on history of Korean conflict according to North Korea. Good signal, noted on // 9335. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada).

15365, BBC relay via A'Seela, 0411-0417. English news ready by male/female duo. Very weak signal with fading. Down in the noise by 0417. (Jim Evans, TN).

Papua New Guinea
3205, NBC Sandaun (West Sepik) 1251. Fluttery signal with fading, but still almost fair as this was my local sunrise. Usual fll "N-B-C Sandaun" ID to filler island music to 1302PNG birdcall and start of national news in English. News // 3365 NBC Milne Bay, but not parallel with 3275 NBC Southern Highlands or 3290 NBC Central.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

3365, Radio Milne Bay (presumed) 0850-0854. Tok Pisin language. PNG ballads peaking above the noise. Very marginal threshold level signal. (Jim Evans, TN).

3385, Radio East New Britain, 0840-0851. Tok Pisin talk by male announcer. PNG ballads behind announcer at 0850. Good signal, the only PNG with understandable audio. (Jim Evans, TN).

12150, Voice of America relay, 1327. Jazz America program to reading of listener's email. Signal fair quality. (Harold Sellers, BC Canada)

17760, Radio Romania International, 0537-0541.English service of male's conversation. Weak signal with heavy fading, but good enough to identify the language, but too poor to identify content. Much stronger on parallel frequency 9655 kHz. (Jim Evans, TN).

Sao Tome
9885, Voice of America relay via Pinheira, 2040-2100.* french newscast and recorded comments to bits of indigenous music. Station ID and interval signal for fair-good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

Saudi Arabia
15170, BSKSA, 0405-0416. Arabic service with male announcer speaking. Strong signal with minimal fading. BSKSA also noted on 15285 kHz in Swahili with slightly weaker signal and hetrodyne. (Jim Evans, TN).

15490, BBC relay via Mahe, 0414-0419. Somali talk during strong signal with only a bit of fading. (Jim Evans, TN).

Sri Lanka
11905, SLBC, *0020-0040. Sign-on with local drums and national anthem. Drums and local music to opening ID announcements in Hindi at 0025. Religious recitations and Hindi chants at 0025. Local instrumental music at 0030. Hindi vocals for fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Vatican City
9525, Radio Canada Internal relay via Sta. Maria di Galeria, 2117-2131. French announcements to talk and techno music bits. Interviews and recorded comments. (Scott Barbour, NH).

12019.3, Voice of Vietnam, 1349-1357.* Signal fair-good in English. Noted talking about training for their labor force to Vietnamese rock music tune. Found signal best in LSB. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX).
(QSLs via Teak Publishing photo archives)