
Friday, July 15, 2011

QSL Report Central

The following QSL contributions were cut from an upcoming edition of QSL Report in Monitoring Times for space constraints. Blog readers love to read what you are QSLing.

Super Radio Boa Vontade, Puerto Alegre, 6160 kHz.Prepared QSL card returned as verified, signed by Vera Carpes Quednau. Received in ten days for a Portuguese report. Station address: Legiao da Boa Vontade (LBV), Super Boa Vontade, Av. S Paulo, 722 Navegantes/S Geraldo, Porto Alegre, RS 90230-160 Brazil (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)

Radio Habana, 11770 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Manolo de la Rosa. Received in 92 days for Spanish report to: radiohc@enet.cdcu (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)

Czech Republic
Radio Prague, 5930/11720 kHz. Full data QSL for their last day of broadcasting, plus souvenir calendar, map and tourist info. (Silveri, Gomez/playdx)

Time/Frequency Station-HD21OA, 3810 kHz. Full data card signed by Jorge Cardenas Amores, Capitan de Fragata. Received in 54 days. QSL address: Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Del Ecuador, Estacion HD21OA, Av. 25 de Julio Via Puerto Maritimo, Base Naval Sur, Guayaquil, Ecuador. (Fabricio Andrade Silva/playdx)

Euro Pirates
Blue Star Radio, 3900 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Henri. Received in 372 days for an email report to: (Roberto Pavaleoo, playdx)

North Pole, 6311 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in 390 days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello, Italy/playdx)

Radio Spaceshuttle 5815 kHz. Full data station card. Received in 1,109 days. QSL address: Postbus 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Netherlands. (Roberto Pavanello & Silveri Gomez/playdx)

Sonic Radio, 6305 kHz. E-QSL from Jacco Paans. Received in eight days for email report to: (Roberto Pavanello/playdx)

Gospel for Asia, 15390 kHz. Via Nuaen. Full data card in 40 days. (Vashek Korinek/AFS, DXplorer)

Hamburger Lokalradio via Radio 700, Kall, 5980 khz. Full data QSL. Received six weeks for a report and $1.00US. Station address: Kulturzentrum LOLA, D-21031 Hamburg, Germany. (Artur Llorella/playdx)

Radio Verdad 4052.5 kHz. Full data QSL card signed by Edgar Amilcar Madrid, General Manager, plus calender, sticker and pamplet. Received in 154 days for a Spanish report to: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playDX)

Radio Kuwait 11990 kHz. Full data Radio Kuwait certificate signed with illegible signature as Under Secretery Engineering Affairs. Received via regular mail in 394 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)

Traxx FM 7295 kHz. Full data card signed by Najnahn Sani-The Jazz Kitchen Program. Received in 86 days via postal mail. (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)

Medium Wave
Canada: CFZM Toronto, Ontario, 740 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Gene Stevens, Director of Programming and Operations. Received in four hours after an email-report follow up to (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)

Germany: Deutschelandfunk, 1422 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL. Received in two weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella/playdx)

Italy: RAI Puglia, 1431 kHz AM. Full data photo QSL card signed by Lorenzo Massaro. Received ib 14 weeks. Station address: Dalmazia 104, 70121 Bari, Spain (Artur Llorella/playdx)

Netherlands: Radio Maria Nederland, 675 kHz. Full data QSL signed by Jeroen Manten, Technicalk Operator. Received in ten days for an email to: and (Artur Llorella/playdx)

Russia: RV128 RTRS-Krasnoyasrk (Radio Rossii transmitter) 216 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Shof Sergey, Chief Engineer. Received in four hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano Sanchez, Spain/pladx)

Russia: RV1091 Radio Mayak, 1359 kHz AM. Full data verification letter via email from S.I, Ermolaev. Received in 22 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)

Spain: Radio Salamanca 1026 kHz AM. Full data verification letter from Alvaro Acedo. Received in ten weeks for email report to: (Artur Llorella, Spain/playdx)

USA: KOA Denver, Co, 850 kHz AM. Full data E-QSL from Jan Chadwell, Chief Engineer. Received in 23 hours for report to: (Mauricio Molano, Spain/playdx)

Northern Marianas
Radio Free Asia 6095 kHz. Full data RFA Anniversary card. Received in three months for report to (Sam Wright, MS)

Radio Exterior Espana 9630 kHz. Full data REE card signed by Secretaria Tecnica, for DRM broadcast. Received in 250 days. Station email: (Rafael Rodriguez, Colombia/playdx)

Radio Taiwan International, 3965 kHz. Full data RTI card unsigned, plus RTI bulletin. Received in 59 days. Station address: P.O. Box 24-38, Taipei, Taiwan. (Marabello, Italy/playdx)