
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Every reason" to suspend shortwave

The chairman of the board of Rádio e Televisão de Portugal (RTP), Guilherme Costa, said on Tuesday that the company has “every reason” to suspend the shortwave transmissions of RDP Internacional. Mr Costa, quoted by the Lusa news agency, said such a platform is obsolete from the technical point of view, is generally poor quality in terms of reception, and is expensive, adding that discussions about shortwave began within the organisation in May 2009.

He said that RDP had received 190 messages on the suspension of shortwave broadcasts, and more than half came via email from people who can listen to broadcasts on the Internet. RTP announced in May that it would temporarily suspend the shortwave broadcasts of RDP Internacional from 1 June, citing the low number of listeners and the need to reduce costs.
(Source: tvi24/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

And I would bet that Portugal joins the ranks of the rapidly disappearing shortwave stations on the bands.

Gayle VH