
Thursday, September 01, 2011

HCJB Global Australia expands at new broadcast site

Enormous development continues on our new broadcast site. Technical project leader, Steve Sutherland, is confident we will be broadcasting from it by November.

Three towers were erected this year; the long-awaited high tension power line was installed and connected in July. Next project? Antenna Curtain screens, assembled on the ground with the aid of work-gloves and lashings of sunscreen.

By November, four of the planned seven antennas will be completed and at least one transmitter will shift to its new operational home. This means that hopefully all the completed antennas and transmitters can be connected and working this year!

Kununurra staff and volunteers pushed to get as much outdoor work as possible finished during the cool, dry winter months. Volunteers visiting at this time of year are invaluable, not only in the work they accomplish, but as surrogate grandparents for children on site. A third 100KW transmitter undergoing refurbishment at the HCJB Technology Centre in Elkhart, Indiana, USA, is expected to be delivered in the first quarter of 2012 and will be capable of both analogue and digital shortwave
(HCJB Voice & Hands Newsletter)