
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Radio Bulgaria announces new QSL policy

The latest edition of DX Window, includes the following on QSLing Radio Bulgaria


5900 kHz, Radio Bulgaria, Plovdiv, 2120-2200* UTC, Saturday Sep 17. English comments and Bulgarian songs, in "Answering Your Letters" Rositsa Petkova mentioned reports received after the EDXC Conference from Kari Kivekas, Jarmo Patala and Jan-Mikael Nurmela from Finland and Tibor Szilagyi from Sweden.
First amongst many other listeners was DSWCI-member Dick King, UK, 55555 // 7400 (SINPO55544). She also said: ”Let me quickly remind everyone, who wants to receive the QSL-card, that you need to send us three reception reports, confirming that you listened to Radio Bulgaria on three separate occasions for a length of at least 20-40 minutes. It is also necessary to include some content details and we would like to see your commentaries.” (Petersen/DX Window 437)