
Saturday, November 26, 2011

Blog Logs

great sampling of what DXers are hearing on the shortwave bands...let us know what you're hearing at your listening post ...

Logs edited for clarity

// parallel frequency - *sign-on / sign-off*

All times UTC

5952.552, Emisoras Pio XII, 0005-0015. Lot's of man made noise here, but could hear the audio under it, with a male in Spanish language comments. The noise is too great to overcome and hear the comments clearly however. The noise signal is on 5955 kHz exactly. It's possibly a signal from a dysfunctional transmitter? (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6134.83, Radio Santa Cruz, *0859-0925. Station sign on with choral music and Spanish talk. Flute interval signal at 0901 and opening Spanish ID announcements. Santa Cruz song at 0903 followed by local pop music. Fair. (Brain Alexander, PA)

4865.054, Radio Verdes Florestas, (presumed) 1010-1020. Observed steady religious music with lyrics in Portuguese. Presuming this to be Florestas based on frequency and language. Signal was poor the entire period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5990, Radio Senado, 0805-0830. Local music. Portuguese announcements. ID. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6135, Radio Aparecida, 0938-0955. Portuguese language including latin American musical ballads and announcer's talk. Signal fair-poor //5035-poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)

15189.90 Radio Inconfidencia, 0001. Station ID in portuguese by male announcer into broadcast schedule. Pre-ID, flutttery signal had me thinking this station was propagating via trans-polar path. (Chuck Rippel, VA/Cumbre DX)

4885, Radio Clube do Para 0419-0425. Portuguese station ID by male announcer. Format of slow tempo pop ballads. Poor signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN).

6165, RN Tchadienne (N’Djamena). *0427-0449. French sign-on with national anthem and ID. Male announcer with program of African music and US Blues. Much of the indigenous music featured the “Thumb Piano.” Fair signal (Joe Wood, TN)

9525, China Radio International, 1501-1515. Looking for Indonesia but only hear China in English with news. IDs. Business news. Poor on noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5050, Beibu Bay Radio, Nanning 1427 Chinese. Man and woman with “B-B-R” IDs, mention of FM frequency. Chinese pop music, 1430 English ID “This is Guangui, Beibu Bay Radio.” and Chinese announcements and talk. Fair-good. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou 1501 English. “Focus on China”, man and woman with news items about China to 1528 ID, address and phone number, then into Chinese. Good. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

4950, Voice Pujiang, Shanghai 1511 Chinese. Man and woman, Western pop songs in English. Fair, //3280 fair-good, 5075 good with some distortion. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

5910, Alcaravan Radio Peurto Lleres 0816-0832. Spanish announcer with brief talk between Latin American music selections. SIgnal was fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9705, Radio Ethiopia, *0258-0315. Sign-on with station interval signal and opening announcements. National anthem at 0259. Signal chimes at 0300 and into Amharic talk. Some Horn of Africa music. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

15380, Radio Ashna via Wertachtal, 15380 in Pashto at 1430 to 1500., Station ID at 1430, then news. Reception only fair due to echo presumed to be multi-path reception. Multi-path reception from Germany isn’t unusual in the mornings at my location, but strong signals via both paths, as was the case today, is very unusual. (Wendel Craighead, KS)

4055, Radio Verdad, 0550-0607.* Religious music. Christmas music. Closing multi-lingual ID announcements at 0555. Sign off with national anthem at 0602. Poor in

3250, Radio Luz y Vida San Luis 1120-1133 Nov. Spanish program including lite music to male announcer's ID at 1130 UTC. Lady announcer at 1132 and signal rapidly fade out. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4880 AIR Lucknow(presumed) 1330-1350. Talk in presumed Hindi to 1336, then ads or program notes. Announcer to 1345, then sub-continental vocal music. Fair signal but no match for the band noise. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

4860, AIR Delhi 0127. Hindi service for male/female announcers with talk and Indian vocal music to 0130. Signal weak and poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9470, AIR National Channel, Aligarh 1533 English. Woman with news, battling it out with Voice of Russia also on this frequency in English, but AIR was dominant. Poor. (Harold Sellers, Canada)
3325 RRI Palangkaraya 1351-1410. Male/female announcers chatting, with one song played. Six signal pips to 1400:56, then two reps of organ interval signal - then six more pips to 1401:32. More talk followed but signal fading by now. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)


13785, V.O.I.R.I. 1537 English. Man with program lineup, 1539 news, //15525. On Nov 10 both freqs were heard with interference and 13785 was poor because of the interference. Today there was no interference on either. Fair. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

11600, Radio-Télévision Libye, 1700-1806.* Audible after Radio Bulgaria’s DRM broadcast sign off at 1700. French talk. Many music bridges of “Douce France” song. Classical music. IDs as Radio-Télévision Libye - Radio Libye de la capital Tripoli.” Poor in noisy conditions at 1700 but improved to a fair level by 1710. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5010.18, Radio Madagasikara, 0218-0235. Local choral music. Short 20 second interval signal at 0226 followed by choral national anthem. Opening ID announcements at 0228:30. Malagasy talk. Local music. Fair. Still broadcasting in AM mode. (Brian Alexaner, PA)

New Zealand
5950, Radio NZI 1319. News from Pacific islands. (Good signal. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

9704.98 La Voix du Sahel(presumed) 0537-0544. Sub-Saharan music with unique vocals and instruments. Tuned out at 0544. Fair signal. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

15120, Voice of Nigeria 1540 English. Story on the illegal trade of rhino horn. Fair-good. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

15140 Radio Sultanate of Oman 1359-1500. Pop music program with male/female hosting. Signal of Big Ben-type chimes at 1429, then time check for "6:30" and regional news, beginning with headlines. Many datelines from Oman, Pakistan, and Iran. Female announcer with brief story reading 1444-1457. Good at tune-in but had deteriorated by 1457. Did note chimes again at 1500. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

4774.95, Radio Tarma, 1016-1030. Noted at tune-in, steady music. Announcer's talk-over the music. Signal fair. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

4789.941, Radio Vision, 1000-1015. Noted a single male in religious discourse with an occasional period of chanting in gibberish. Signal is poor but still audible.
(Chuck Bolland, FL)

4940.014, Radio San Antonio, 0955-1005. Noted a carrier here prior to 0957. At 0957 a female's Spanish comments began to fade in. Audio very weak amid Spanish programming. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5039.226, Radio Libertad, 1000-1010. Noted this station without any interference
here for the time being. Program consisted announcer's Spanish comments. Station's signal fair as comments continued to 1005 when music was presented. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9430, FEBC Bocaue 1108-1117, English/Chinese with male announcer in English regarding film "The Sound of Music. Female announcer in Chinese translation to music from the same film. Website URL at 1113 that I couldn't fully copy and Manila contact info. Male/female announcers to 1115 with talk. Phone number quotee over the music. Good signal. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9555, VOA relay, 1344 Korean. English language lesson. Fair. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

5940, Radio Rossii Arman 0834-0845. male/female announcre duo over music. Signal fair in Russian. Female announcer over music. Noted as fair; //5930 Petro K`-poor. (Scott Barbour, NH)

Solomon Islands
5019.9v, SIBC Honiara 1144-1204.* Island music in Portguese and English between selections, sounds like taking listener requests. Music bits and female announcer at at 1202 followed by Brazilian national anthem. Signal poor but audible when 5025-Rebelde not playing music. (Scott Barbour, NH)

Sri Lanka
11905 SLBC 0042-0115. Sub-continental vocals and quaint accordion tunes. Male announcer spoke occasionally, not sure of language. Good signal for a while but had weakened considerably by 0230. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

9725 Radio Thailand *1400-1414. "Eight PM News Magazine" with news to 1405, then assorted talks by male/female host. Fair signal but noisy band. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

United Arab Emirates
9855 Radio Australia English broadcast relay via Southeast Asia, 2216-2302. News and commentary on Libya into media news and sports review to 2257 with station ID as; "you are listening to Radio Australia..across the southeast Asia region." Report from Lahore, India and news at 2300. Signal fair to good. (Ed Kusalink, Canada)

4840, WWCR (Nashville, TN). 0524-0539. English program Network ID as “GCN Radio Network with Alex Jones.” Program about financial malfeasance of the world’s bankers. Ads for survivalist supplies such as food supplies and gold. Very good. (Joe Wood, TN).