
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monitoring Vietnam Coast Radio

All times UTC *sign-on -/ sign-off* // parallel frequency

logs edited for clarity

7906-USB and 8294-USB. Vietnam Coast Radio Station (VISHIPEL) (presumed). Thanks entirely to the timely tip from Sei-ichi Hasegawa (Japan) that I tuned in to this.

March 19 observed on 7906-USB, *1020-1025*, *1105-1110*, *1120-1125*. Actually ten minutes between the broadcasts of these five minute segments. In Vietnamese with assume marine weather. Today always ending with the same commercial ad (male/female) along with sound of phone ringing and young girl says “Hello”. Pulsating noise interference to 1123, 8294-USB not heard today.

March 20 on 7906-USB again with five minute segments. Ending with the same commercial. At 1220, found // 8294-USB for the first time, but this frequency did not run the commercial at the end of the marine weather, as heard on 7906-USB. Station went off at 1224, so the segments on 8294-USB are about one minute shorter and about eleven minutes between segments. Noted *1235-1239.*

Need to confirm the full schedule and exact transmitter sites of these broadcasts.

Per Sei-ichi, but not confirmed:

Ca Mau XVA, Vinh XVB, Hai Phong XVG, Mong Cai XVM,
Nha Trang XVN, Vung Tau XVR, Ho Chi Minh XVS, Da Nang XVT

Ho Chi Min Radio, Danang Radio, Hai Phong Radio

My MP3 audio of 8294-USB

My MP3 audio of commercial ad on 7906-USB

Very nice recording with some English

Check the following site for reception updates

Website - click English.

"Fishing vessel safety information
Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast sea weather forecast, sea disaster forecast to all fishing vessels on the frequency 7906 kHz, 8294 kHz as follows:

Sea weather forecast: daily broadcast in every 15 minutes Morning: from 05h20 to 09h20. Afternoon: from 17h20 to 21h20

Sea disaster forecast: broadcast in every 15 minutes,24/24 in the case of storms, tropical storms.

In addition, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast safety information guide to fishing vessels fishing in the sea such as channel guidance, floating dangerous
obstacles, dangerous waters .. In the case of a storm, tropical storms dangerous sea, Vietnam Coast Radio Stations broadcast on all Vietnam waters to call and
guide vessels to safety storm shelter.” click English.

Search of the web found
(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)