
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blog Logs

// parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*

Logs edited for clarity

All times UTC

Good reception in Bulgaria of Radio Argentina Exterior European service on June 8 1800-2400 on 15344.2 BUE 100 kW/035 deg(SINPO 45444), instead of 15345 kHz as follows Mon-Fri 1800 English; 1900 Italian; 2000 French; 2100 German; 2200 Spanish. Scheduled also 1700-1800 in German,but frequency 15344.2 is totally blocked by strong signal of Radio Cairo English to Central & South Africa on 15345.(DX Re Mix 733/Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria)

15155, AWR Europe 2035-2045. French service targeted to Europe. Female's religious text and scriptures. SINPO 33343. Religious hymns to station ID. Additional music and announcements and ID. to 2100. (Gayle Van Horn, NC)

5952.44 R. Pio Doce Talk by male/female announcers at 0032, with mentions of Selva. Long ad block then with first starting with cat whistle. One with dialog with child. Noted at 0038 "Pio Doce" choral song, same as heard many times in the past. Station ID promo, then live male/female announcers resuming. Signal improving. (Dave valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

9695.00, Radio Rio Mar, 1000-1015. A few promos on the hour, then news with various reporters checking in. Every couple of minutes a time check announcement was broadcasted. At 1008 commercials and promos presented. Carrier noted on this frequency but did not cause any problemas. SIgnal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

11915.08 Radio Gaucha (presumed). Discussion program at 0048 discussion with male announcers. Mentions of Sao Paulo, then at 0056 program outro then ads. Suddenly went off in mid-ad at 0057:32 unfortunately. Fairly good and was hoping for full ID at 0100. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

15191.72v, Radio Inconfidência, 2140-2220. Portuguese talk. Constantly varying up and down between 15191.69-15191.72. Frequency a little higher than usual. Weak but readable. And heard a little later at 2310 with a fair signal on 15191.73. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9760, Cyprus Broadcasting Corp, 2217-2244:30.* Tune-in to Greek radio-drama. Some Greek music. Sign off with their usual Greek theme music. Very good. Weak on // 7220 5925. Fri, Sat, Sun only. Irregular. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, *0305-0320. Abrupt sign on with local chants. Arabic talk at 0312. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions.(Brian Alexander, PA)

Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa 1935-1958.* English religious text to 1958. Station IDs, addresses and website. Open carrier to 1959-2010. Schedule indicates they should have been on the air in English to 2300. (Gayle Van Horn, NC)

9525.98, Voice of Indonesia. Barely audible at 1044 with phone interview by studio announcer - all the way to 1100. Heard bits of English followed by news at 1100. This is only seconf time heard in last two weeks. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

9525.97, Voice of Indonesia, June 12 (Tuesday) with special edition of the Tuesday only “Exotic Indonesia”; not the usual co-production between Jakarta and RRI Banjarmasin.

0949: In English with welcoming introduction to VOI; EZL songs till 1000 ID.

1002-1100: “Exotic Indonesia, a weekly network program jointly broadcast by Voice of Indonesia and 100.9 Paradise FM and RRI Denpasar”; mostly chatting via phone between Jakarta and Bali about the Bali Arts Festival that is being held now. Very enjoyable! Website: . Edited MP3 audio file posted at (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA)

12015 Deewa Radio via Kuwait *0100 station ID by from announcer in Pashtu, then news headlines with many mentions of Pakistan. Station ID 0105 and another clear ID at 0115. Mentions of Voice of America and Deewa Radio and email addresses. Noted on //11540 and 9380, but this frequency is the best. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

11600, Radio Télévision Libye - Radio Libye, 1750-1810.* Lite music. French ballads. French talk. Weak signal, poor in high noise level. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5010.00, Radio Madagasikara, 0223-0240. Suppressed carrier USB. Tune-in to African choral music. Interval signal at 0225:30. National Anthem at 0225:55. Lite music and opening announcements at 0228. Malagasy talk. African choral music. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

15120, Voice of Nigeria, 0452. Station interval signal and ID “Voice of Nigeria, Lagos.” Marching band at 0455 marching band to English mentions of today’s programming schedule in G.M.T. Drums signal at 0500 to newscast. Signal poor with hum/whine and interference underneath. Edited MP3 audio file at (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA)

Papua New Guinea
7324.95, Wantok Radio Light, 0808-0921, June 12. One of their better receptions, even with QRN!


0808-0833: Christian songs in English; “Bringing the gospel to you 24 hours a day, this is Wantok Radio Light, your inspiration station”.

0833-0858: preaching by Dr. Tayo Adeyemi (New Wine Church);conforms to ,“Wantok Radio Light at 6.30 daily - Available on 93.9FM, 105.9FM and 7325kHz (SW)”.

0901-0911: usual bird call; NBC National News in English with items about the upcoming national election.

0911: “Wantok Radio Light would like to thank the National Broadcasting Corporation . . . join us again at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning for the next N-B-C National News”.

0913: Public service announcement about the upcoming PNG elections.

0914: ID and frequencies; schedule.

0919: Bible program; gives phone numbers. contains
edited MP3 audio file (Ron Howard, San Francisco at Ocean Beach, CA)

7324.95, Wantok Radio. Light Religious program with emotional male preaching from 0849-0857. Program closed with soft instrumental religious music. At 0901, noted usual NBC signature national news. Simple station ID at 0914 simple, then another at 0915. Signal a little better than it has been lately. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

3915, Radio Fly, 1310-1348. Instrumental music and easy-listening pop songs (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young with “Teach Your Children Well”, etc.); Local noise and interference from i3912, so best in USB. Signal poor, but better than normal and decent for 1 KW; “Radio Fly” ID heard. Have been hearing this almost daily during this time period, but often I cannot make out an ID, so today was nice. Still not heard on 5960 (Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA)

Very pleased to see these logs from Wantoc Radio Light and Radio Fly. Both, especially Wantoc Radio Light, are heard rarely and this confirms at least, that both are still active on shortwave. Thanks to Ron Howard and Dave Valko and Cumbre DX. (Gayle Van Horn, NC).

3260 Radio Madang, 0918 Lady announcer with what sounded like regional music. Mentions of Papua New Guinea and Highlands. Best signal as of late. Other PNGs on this morning include 3204.97, 3275, 3315, and 3915. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

5921.26 Radio Bethel. Amazing Grace choral song 0041-0044. Male's talk with roomy effect like a church service, followed by another song. Hopeless as it was just too noisy and too much 5935 slop interference. Signal better by 0103, canned announcements by audio too muffled to copy. Church service hymns to canned promo announcement at 0119. Announcer's mention of "1,?80 AM". Didn't hear any mention of Bethel. Noted 0120 alternating with two live men preaching from English/Spanish translations. Mentions of Esperanza, La Palabra, Gloria, and many animated "Hallelujah's". Signal dropping down by 0130 and went off at 0140. Blasted out by 5920 WHRI next night, but it was in the clear this night. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

Solomon Islands
5019.87 SIBC/Radio Happy Isles, 1008. Nice quick ID as - "Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, between news items. Fair signal but heavy slop interference from 5025 Cuba's Radio Rebelde. (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

Religious programming monitored as; 15195, WYFR/Family Radio Worldwide 2005-2035. Religious text and bible scriptures.Fair signal quality.
9330, WBCQ via Monticello, Maine 2140-2200. Religious sermon and scriptures from Bro. Rogers. Canned station ID at 2159. "You are tuned to free speech radio WBCQ from Monticello, Maine," followed by singing ID. Religious promo for program and email address for Media Network. (East Wind radio program from Hal Davenport.)New program Money Talks commencing at 2202. Anguilla-University Network 11775 at 1435. Classic audio of Dr Gene Scott's programming on tithing and supporting Scott's ministry to 1455. Station ID and phone number over southern gospel vocals. I remember when we use to watch Scott's programming on satellite tv - quite entertaining to say the least. (Gayle Van Horn, NC)

6015, ZBC. Late starting (usually hear interval signal about 0257. Not heard through 0308 tuned away, but was heard at 0316 with better than normal reception; usual male announcer with monologue. African song at 0329, then another monologue to 0339 Islamic chanting.(Ron Howard, CA)