
Friday, December 28, 2012

Hamburger Lokalradio special programming

Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) will broadcast another series of special shortwave  programs for the holiday season. The station will use the low-power transmitter in Goehren on 7265 and 6190 kHz.

Schedule for HLR New Year specials
Saturday, December 29th 2012
0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Cuba plus reports in Spanish and Portuguese
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0700 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German)
0800 "HLR Poetry" by Mascha Kalenko (German)
0900 Radio City - the station of the Cars (multilingual)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 "HLR Um Goethes Willen" (music and literature, German)
1100 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German)
1200 "HLR Poetry" by Mascha Kalenko (German)
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
1300 "HLR Swing Lady Carola Marwitz-Schramm" (music feature, German)
1400 Radio City - the station of the Cars (multilingual)
1500 "HLR Um Goethes Willen" (music and literature, German)
1600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)

Monday, December 31st 2012

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "Focus" (containing reports from Deutsche Welle Radio, English)
0600 "Earth & Sky" (science and technology, English)
0700 "Deutschlandreise" (feature courtesy of DW Radio, German)
0800 "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German)
0900 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 "Literatur Club" (featuring A. Stoltenberg, German)
1100 "HLR Lalelu" (a capella music from Hamburg, German)
1200 "HLR Herzschlag" (love stories, German)

Tuesday, January 1st 2013

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Brazil plus reports in Spanish and Portuguese)
0600 "Radio Books" (courtesy Huis de Buren, English)
0700 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)
0800 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people" (German)
0900 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German)
1100 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)
1200 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
1300 "HLR Radio Nostalgie" (featuring Leguana Cuban Boys, German)
1400 "HLR Greek Songs" (German/Greek)
1500 "HLR Wir pfeifen nicht nach Ihrer Tanze" (German)
1600 "HLR Special - Auxiliary tools for severely disabled people"

Wednesday, January 2nd 2013

0500 - 1000 UTC, 7265 kHz
0500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in Spanish and Portuguese)
0600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)
0700 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
0800 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
0900 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German)
1000 - 1300 UTC, 6190 kHz
1000 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
1100 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
1200 "HLR Technikmagazin" (German)
1300 - 1700 UTC, 7265 kHz
1300 "HLR Kultur pur" (German)
1400 "HLR Schwarz auf weiss" (literature, German)
1500 "HLR Radio Tropical" (music from Latin America plus reports in Spanish and Portuguese)
1600 "New Letters on the Air" (English)

Hamburger Lokalradio welcomes reception reports and will QSL all correct reports. Return postage is highly appreciated.

Hamburger Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum LOLA, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany

(Tom Taylor)