
Thursday, December 06, 2012

The role of a DXpedition pilot

This news release on ZL9HR is a little different to normal. It is the comments from one ZL9HR team member who is not on Campbell Island - Rich KY6R is one of the global pilots supporting the Dx'Pedition and he sent me the following email, that he kindly said I could share:

  This experience has completely restored my respect for the DX  community. I have got nothing but considerate, thoughtful and polite  requests. Everyone who has sent a request - either by posting on eHam or  via email has been civil, encouraging and constructive.

Working with the ZL9HR team is a joy. These guys are the best of the  best. They have braved the odds of high seas, wind and rain that most of  us couldn't handle. The cost is enormous and they have shown how hams  can work with Departments of Conservation in a mutually beneficial way.  They even got through quarantine in record time. The Pilots are my  compadres - and Stan, KH6CG is a great DX-ers "mentor".

Final thought - sure - I will do it again - I was hoping to know what  life after Honor Roll" will look like - and this is a fun new aspect of  the hobby for me. The first day of the DX'Pedition was very, very  stressful, but since then, just fantastic.

I wish the team safe journeys back and hope that everyone gets their  ATNO ("all time new one") - there is still time left, and I see the SSN  is starting to rise again.

Safe journeys and Happy Holidays to all.

As always -- for the current status of logs and the DX'Pedition in general, please go to

73 Ed, VK2JI, Publicity Officer for ZL9HR.
(ZL9HR Publicity Officer/ICPO)