
Thursday, January 03, 2013

Amateur Radio Special Events Calendar

January 2013

January 4-8
Caribbean Tour, Bjorn, SM0MDG, is active as V26BM from Antigua until January 4th. After his activity from Antigua, he will travel to Montserrat and be active as VP2MSW between January 4-8th. Activity from both locations will be holiday style with limited high bands operations with a focus on 17 and 15 meters and with possible operations on 10 meters if propagation allows. If possible, there may be some 160 meters operations from Montserrat on 160 meter. This is an ultra-lite operation is using a FT-857D and simple wire antennas. Look for the log to be uploaded to LoTW after his return to home. QSL Manager is Tim, M0URX, either direct or use his OQRS with preferred options at:

January 5
Eagle Watch On The Mississippi, 16000-2000 UTC, W0CS, Clinton, IA. Clinton Amateur Radio Club. Operating on 14.250, 14.050 7.250, 7.050. QSL. Clinton Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 1501, Clinton, IA 52733. QSL and pamphlet explaining the Corps of Engineer Eagle Watch Day on the Mississippi River at Lock and Dam #13. (ARRL)

January 5-18
Senegal-6W. Just a reminder that Francis, F6BLP, will once again be active as 6W7SK from Saly Portudal, 80 kms south of Dakar on the coast, between January 5-18th, 2013. Activity will be holiday style using the same station as last time (IC-7000 into G5RV antenna) operating mainly CW. QSL via F6BLP, direct or by the Bureau. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. For more details, logs and pictures of his last operation, visit:

January 6
ARRL Kids Day, 1800-2359 UTC. W9MQB, Jefferson, WI. Whitewater, WI, Emergency Management with Tri-County Amateur Radio Club, JefCares and Lakes Area Amateur Radio Club. Opearating on 14.265, 7.265, 3.965, 145.490. Certificate. Kathryn Hinds, N7702 Kettle Moraine Dr, Whitewater, WI 53190. (ARRL)

January 7-20
Kenya-5Z. Operators Bertrand/DF3ZS and Thomas/DL1QW will be active as 5Z4/homecall from Diani Beach between January 7-20th. Activity will be holiday style on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. The operators plan on using dipoles, GP and vertical loops. QSL via their home callsign, or direct or by the DARC Bureau.

January 12-25
ARRL Puerto Rico State Convention, 0000-1800 UTC. N4D, Hatillo, PR. Caribbean Amateur Radio Group. Operatin gon 28.350, 21.350, 14.260, 147.550. Certificate and QSL. Caribbean Amateur Radio Group, HC4 Box 43014, Hatillo, PR 00659. The Special Event is for the first ARRL PR State Convention in Puerto Rico. More information:  or (ARRL)

January 26
2013 Kansas Day at Santa Fe Trail Stage Coach Stop, 16000-2100 UTC. KSOKS, Olathe, KS. Santa Fe Trail Amateur Radio Club. Operatin gon SSB/CW 10, 15, 17, 20, 40 m; 28.320, 21.320, 14.250, 10.115, 7.250.QSL. KS0KS, PO Box 3144, Olathe, KS 66063. eQSL, LoTW KS0KS;

January 26
Hot Rods to Hell 46 Filming Anniversary, 1400-2000 UTC. AL7LS, Edwards, CA. BioRem RAC North Base. Operating on 7.243, 3.952, PKT 14.105, 7.105. Certificate and QSL. Katrin Rossi, 2127 Sierra Stone Ln, Las Vegas 89119. Commemorating 46th anniversary release date for Hot Rods to Hell (1967) Country, U.S.A., Date January 27,1967 Filming Locations for Hot Rods to Hell Antelope Valley, California, (Gas Station;), USA; Calabasas, California, USA (The Arena.) (ARRL)
IOTA News (Islands on the Air)
January 3-6
Esconcida Island, SA-096.(Update/NEW IOTA) Just a reminder that operators Cezar/VE3LYC, Johan/PA3EXX, Alex/LU5WW and possibly more Argentinian operators will be active as LU6W(pending) from Escondida Island in the Chubut Province North IOTA Group between January 2-6th. Activity will be for four days using two stations. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and on SSB. QSL via  VE3LYC, direct or by the Bureau. See their Web page below for more details. There is a web page available at:

January 9-24
St. Vincent & Grenadines-J8. Al, W6HGF, will be active as J8/W6HGF near Kingston on at  St.Vincent between January 9-24th (2013). Activity will be focused on RTTY using dipoles and a traveling beam. QSL via direct to his home callsign (NO IRCs), LoTW or ClubLog (OQRS available after operation). For more details, see:

January 12-15
Cayman Islands-ZF2. Pete, K8PGJ, will be active as ZF2PG on Grand Cayman (NA-016) during the week of January 12-20th. Activity (when not diving) will occur on 20 to 15 meters SSB during the morning and early afternoon on the weekdays. He will be operating in the NAQP Contest on 20 and 40 meters. QSL via his home callsign or LoTW.

January 15-February 18
Austria-OE2013. (Special Event). Every Austrian amateur radio operator has a chance to operate with the special callsign OE2013(???)(their own suffix) between January 15th and February 18th (2013). Activity is to celebrate the Alpine Ski World Championships 2013 taking place in Schladming. An award is available for three different classes (Gold, Platinum and Diamond). Each class requires a certain number of special event stations and OE stations logged. Each special event station or at OE station will only count once on each band. All bands and the below listed modes may be used; the only exception Packet radio and Echo Link contacts do not count. The award may be worked in the following modes: CW, SSB, DIGITAL, MIXED and QRP (max. 10 Watts). For complete details,

January 20-February 27
St. George Island, NA-085.Dennis, WA2USA, will be active as homecall/4 from St. George Island (USI FL0076S, Franklin County), Florida, between January 20th and February 27th  (2013). On this trip he also plans to activate the lighthouse (ARLHS USA-1057, WLOTA 3178) while on the island. The activity will be mostly CW on 30/20/15 meters, with some SSB on 40/20 meters. He also plans to be in the ARRL International DX CW Contest (February 16-17th) and the NAQP RTTY Contest on(February 23-24th) as Single-Op/All-Band entries.QSL via his home callign, by the Bureau or direct. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW. Visit his Web site at:
(Ohio/Penn #1093)