
Wednesday, January 02, 2013

ODXA Shortwave DX Challenge

Once again, the resurrected Shortwave DX Challenge shall be held during the month of January. The rules, slightly tweaked from last year, are below. Last year we had eight participants with four of them being women. Victor Goonetilleke was the champion having heard 107 countries. Hopefully, more of you will partake in this year's fun challenge.
(Mark Coady/Cumbre DX)

2013 Shortwave DX Challenge Rules
1. DURATION: 0000 UTC January 1st to 2359 UTC January 31st

2. ELIGIBLE PARTICIPANTS: All SWLs and DXers except the judge.

3. ELIGIBLE COUNTRIES: Report countries (where the transmitter is located) as they appear on the NASWA Country List which is available at this link:

4. ELIGIBLE STATIONS: All licensed shortwave BROADCAST stations operating between 2 and 30 MHz plus Time Signal stations and utility stations relaying a broadcast station such as AFRTS, Radio Continental in Argentina, and studio transmitter links that only carry programming.

5. INELIGIBLE STATIONS: All other utility stations including VOLMET, pirate stations, and Ham radio QSOs.

6. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: For this contest, entry and submission respectively refer to each individual country logged and to the entire body of entries. All entries must be in the following format: Frequency, Country (where the transmitter is located), Station, Time, 5 minutes of Program Details, Signal Quality, and Date of Reception. All submissions MUST be either a document (Word or Open Office) or a Spreadsheet (Exel or Open Office) and shall be e-mailed to the judge at this address: NO POSTAL SUBMISSIONS ALLOWED.

7. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: All submissions MUST be e-mailed to the judge no later than the 15th of February. Participants are encouraged to send their submissions in installments during the the contest. The judge will keep a running tally for all participants who submit this way.

8. JUDGING AND USE OF SUBMISSIONS: The editor of Your Reports Express, the weekly loggings column of Listening In, the monthly bulletin of the Ontario DX Association, will act as the judge and his ruling on all entries and submissions is FINAL. He is not eligible to participate in the Shortwave DX Challenge. Any and all submissions may be used as loggings, at the discretion of the editor, for the January editions of Your Reports Express.

9. CERTIFICATES OF PARTICIPATION: All participants will receive an attractive certificate in PDF format sent to their e-mail address. Those wishing printed copies shall be responsible for printing costs and postage: $3 for Canadian DXers; $4 for American DXers; and $5 for International DXers. Payment can be made through Paypal. Contact the judge for more information.

Good luck to all participants. May the D, E, and F layers be with you all.