
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Radio Chaski returns to shortwave


Radio Chaski - Peru

logs edited for clarity

All times UTC

5980.00 kHz, Radio Chaski, Cusco, 1234-1340. Heard on Jan 16, 2013 Quechua and Spanish music with religious temas. Station identification as, “Por Radio Chaski..  región Inca.” Music to a phone number mentioned (084) 509748. I made a call and was answered by pastor Valentín Quispe, who informed me that this test transmission now for a month is at 1000-1500 and 1700-2200 . 
Postal address is:  Alameda Pachacutec D-5, Cusco. The station is within the same tempel alongside Urgiha Park. Telephones: 084-509748 and cellular 9848-95084. This is a stationed owned by the chain Radio Integridad in Lima 700kHz broadcasting in Quechua and after 1400 in Spanish. The transmission site is in the Urubamba Valley, SINPO 44444.  (Arrunátegui).
Also heard at 2259, Jan 26, with a nice ID, just before BBC signs on at *2300. You can listen to the signal received in Engelholm here: . Also heard at 2315-0020, Jan 26 and 27 with nice recorded ID at 0000: ”Radio Chaski”. A reception report was sent to them and I (Nilsson) got a reply stating among others: "You are correct that Radio Chaski has not been on the air for very long. We began transmissions in November of last year. The station had not been on the air for many years, but with a new solid-state transmitter, we began transmissions once again. I believe you are the first international listener to contact us". The email was signed by Bruce Maddux. (Nilsson and Perry in DXplorer). Also heard at 0035, Jan 28, with acceptable signal. The station has this homepage: . I sendt an e-mail report attaching an audio file to missionary Bruce Maddux, but three hours later I received an e-QSL from the station manager Valentin Quispe H (at ). He confirmed the morning local Quechua transmission at 1000-1500, while Red Radio Integridad is relayed at 2200-0100. (Rodríguez)
(DSWCI/DX Window 472/06 Feb 2013)
(photo/Radio Chaski/Quechua Radio Announcer and Technician)