
Saturday, March 16, 2013

AWR plans tribute to Ekala

The Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation has announced that they plan to close their historic shortwave station located at Ekala, a dozen miles north of Colombo in Sri Lanka.  In view of the close association of Adventist World Radio with SLBC and their Ekala shortwave station over a long period of time beginning back in 1951, we are planning to honor the occasion with a special edition of the AWR DX program Wavescan, under the title "Tribute to Ekala".  We plan to broadcast this special edition of Wavescan under the old title from around 40 years ago, "Radio Monitors International".  At this stage, the closure date for SLBC Ekala is not yet finally confirmed, though it is our intent to place this special program on the air in the regular scheduling of Wavescan to co-incide with their last week on the air.  SLBC plans to transfer their shortwave planning to the ex-Deutsche Welle station located near Trincomalee on the east coast of the island.

A special one time only QSL card will be prepared, based on the early QSL cards issued in Poona India for the broadcasts from AWR-Asia and Radio Monitors International.  All reception reports for this one particular edition of Wavescan-Radio Monitors International will be verified with this
special card, and the reception reports can be for any of the broadcasts of this program over any station that carries the program.  Postal mail reception reports are preferred, with return postage, though in some cases email reports will be verified.

 The only address for this special QSL card "Tribute to Ekala", is:

 Adventist World Radio
Box 29235
Indiana 46229

 Wavescan Scheduling: A13 Transmission Period

March 31, 2013 - October 26, 2013

Day UTC Call     kHz kW Station   Location Country

1030 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
1530 AWR 15335 250 Media Broadcast   Nauen Germany
1600 KSDA 15360 100 Adventist World Radio  Agat Guam
1600 KSDA 15670 100 Adventist World Radio  Agat Guam
2230 KSDA 15320 100 Adventist World Radio  Agat Guam
2330 KSDA 17650 100 Adventist World Radio  Agat Guam

1100 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA

MN00 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
1100 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
2000 WINB   13570   50 World International   Red Lion Pennsylvania USA

0300 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA

0315 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA

1100 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
1300 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
1530 WWCR2 12160  100 Worldwide Christian   Nashville Tennessee USA
2230 WRMI      9955   50 Radio Miami Int   Miami Florida USA
(Anker Peterson/AWR & Alokesh Gupta, India)