
Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog Logs

*Sign-on /  Sign-Off*   // station heard on parallel frequency

Logs edited for clarity

All times UTC
4949.748  Radio Nacional de Angola, Mulenvos, Luanda. From southerly winter condition area. Poor signal for Portuguese programming from female announcer, and readable at 0318. (W Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)

6134.879, Radio Santa Cruz, 2347-0030. Male's Spanish comments as "Bonker" does it's thing on this frequency.  At 2354 lady joins host briefly, followed by "canned" promotionals to local commercials and station ID. Signal improved 0030. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6154.90, Radio Fides ,La Pas at 2255. Spanish programming from male/female duo, followed with music. Signal was not strong ,but the audio was fair. Best on my Collins 390a. (Maurits Van Driessche

9820, Beibu Bay Radio. Have noticed, that everyday this station begins broadcast about 15 minutes before the start of the transmission at 0945. (Dave Valko,PA/Cumbre DX)

6003, Echo of Hope. Station finally in the clear without jamming. Alternating talk at 1010 by male/female duo in Korean. Very brief soft choral music, presumably ending the feature, followed by another feature with additional talk from announcer. Choral singing at 1023:55, then Korean music with a possible intro by male/female and chats. Dramatic orchestral music at 1029, followed by station identification over choral music again. Easy traditional Korean songs music at 1030 with brief announcements. Signal stead to 1100, then faded. Even when Voice of the People is not jammed, this has  always been jammed. Wish I would've been there at the 1000 (Valko)

9680.05, RRI Jakarta. Indonesian pop music from male ho0st at 0914 tune-in. Many station promos with IDs from 0919-0924 including one with mentions of "life style" and "family" at 0921. More music pops tunes. Audio suddenly dropped out, just following a promo, and lasted for nearly an hour from 0933:46 - 1028:12. Resumed  with program already in progress. Must have been having technical problems (Valko). 

9760, Radio Sultanate of Oman. Station on prior to 0000 this evening. Usual Big Ben chimes, station ID and text from male announcer in Arabic. News headlines. Signal was good, but modulation low (Valko)

12095, BBC relay for Seychelles and Woofferton, UK at 1958. Close of World Business Report program, station promo, then off at 1959:29. Power increased at 1959:46, then time check, fanfare, station ID and "Newsround" program. Segment began with announcement on new royal birth for Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. (Valko)

9740, BBC relay at 1000 with bells interval signal, time ticks, station identification and newscast. (Valko)

8743USB, Bangkok Meteorological Radio. Audible at 1032 end of info by male in Thai, followed by station interval signal. Announcer again at 1034  with mentions of "broadcasting", and "kilohertz." Interval signal repeated at 1038, then lady announcer's recorded station ID/info at 1039.  Even though the IS was clear, the voice was difficult to copy. Back to interval signal at 1042, then announcer again in Thai (Valko)