
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Radio Pam Am Begins Internet Broadcasting

In the past listener's have reached out to our organization, Pan American Broadcasting, letting us know that you have heard our Christian programming on a variety of stations throughout the world. Today we come to you sharing our newest venture - RADIO PAM AM ! This is an exciting Internet station bringing to you and to the world inspirational programming 7 days a week, 24 hours per day !
It's a Great Way to Hear the Truth ... Just Listen !
Providing innovative broadcasting platforms for our broadcasters and listeners is a very important part of our vision.  Radio Pan Am is our newest broadcasting platform and we are personally experiencing that our broadcasters are touching the lives of many more people around the world as a result of the Internet Station!

We are excited to announce that we have generated tremendous response via hits on the Radio Pan Am website.  We have been monitoring the traffic to the website:, and are excited to share with you our latest findings.  Please review the image below to see where in the world our station is being heard.

The Radio Pan Am Internet station is on the air 7 days per week, 24 hours per day!  Anybody around the world with Internet access can hear the station.  Radio Pan Am provides many more people with the opportunity to listen to inspirational and uplifting programming!

In addition, Radio Pan Am is very excited to announce that the station has its own app for the iPhone and Android Smartphones!  You can now take Radio Pan Am on the go with these dedicated smartphone apps.  For more information on how to download the apps, visit, and click on the corresponding smartphone icons.  Additionally, you can search the App store on the iPhone or the Google Play store on the Android Smartphone and download the app. 

We will continue to keep you informed of our growing Radio Pan Am audienceAnd, we would be most grateful if you could let us and/or our ministries know that you are listening to the uplifting Radio Pan Am Internet station!  It is so very important that we receive feedback from you so that we can continually improve upon our services.    

With gratitude,

Carmen Jung

Carmen D Jung & The Pan American Broadcasting Team
Pan American Broadcasting
800-726-2620; 925-462-9800