
Friday, August 09, 2013

Blog Logs

*Sign-On /  Sign-Off*   // station heard on parallel frequency / all freqs kHz

Logs edited for clarity

All times UTC

9850, Radio Tirana Shijak 2340-0000.* Male announcer in listed Albanian. Local music to national anthem and station interval signal at sign-off. Signal was fair. (Scott Barbour-NH/Cumbre DX)

15345, RAE Buenos Aires 1915. Presumed Italian programming with talk and local music. SINPO 33333.
(Giroletti/DXW 485)

4716, Radio Yura Yura 0027-0039. Spanish programming with indigenous music and ballads. Canned announcements at 0030. Signal poor (Scott Barbour-NH/Cumbre DX).

5580.34 Radio San José, San José de Chaquitos 2350-0010. Spanish talk with deep signal fades. SINPO 25212 (Petersen/DXW 485)

6025, Radio Patria Nueva, La Paz 2205-2235. Newscast to ads in Spanish and Quechua for Toyota Motor "visit the virtual sheet of the taxpayer and participate in the growth of Bolivia...still growing." Feature-"Bolivia Informa" to station ID. SINPO 33333 (Arrunátegui/DXW 485)

6134.85, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0050-0105. Spanish announcement to three IDs with station frequency announcement. Pop music and additional commercials. SINPO 35343 (Petersen/DXW 485)

6154.92, Radio Fides, La Paz, 0105-0115. Spanish programming announcement to music. SINPO 25232. (Petersen/DXW 485)

3364.95 Radio Cultura Araraquara ID jingle by female chorus at 0012:40 between Brazilian pop songs. "Could It Be Magic" by Barry Manilow. Additional promo at 0023 and into pop song. Nice clear full canned ID. Surprised it was as easy as it was to ID. (Dave Valko,PA/HCDX)

4865.00, Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruzeiro do Sul, 2347-0015. Non-stop music without ID, but local time announcement. Also heard at 0950-1015 with religious program including messages and music. No ID heard, SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW 485)

4985.00, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, 2310-2320 Portuguese religious preaching, SINPO 35232 // 11815 (SINPO 45333) (Petersen/DXW 485)

5014.90, Radio Cultura, Cuiabá, (tentative), 1025-1045. Signal fade out before program ”Cristo es Amor.”, Commercials and religious program ”Alegría del Señor Aquí en la ciudad de Cuiabá, A todos los pueblos lindos del Amazonas”, but no direct ID heard. Promo for ”Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor”, SINPO 22222. (Arrunátegui/DXW 485)

5939.88 Voz Missionaria 0940:10. Mailing aaddress by male announcer over soft music. Canned ID at 0942:10 with announcer ending with singing ID jingle (Dave Valko/PA/HCDX)

6000 Radio Guaiba 2329. Portuguese talk from announcer with mentions of Sao Paulo. Additional mentions of Guaiba strongly emphasized at end of sentence. Station break at 2334:30 for nice ID promo, then right back to male announcer. One of the tougher Brazilian and not heard in a very long time. Glad to finally get an ID on it. (Dave Valko, PA/HCDX)

5909.95, Alcaraván Radio, Lomalinda, 0005-0015. Spanish announcement to Colombian pop music, SINPO 35243. (Petersen). Also heard at 0447-0558, with Latin American songs, SINPO 24322. (Méndez/DXW 485)

6010.21, La Voz de tu Conciencia 0917. Same English/Spanish religious program heard here last winter. Announcer talking about having to go down to Colombia to see how the money was being used in case the Canadian government looked at their books!! Then she corrected herself saying that wasn't the real reason she went down. (Dave Valko, PA/HCDX)

6050.00, Radio La Voz de los Andes (HCJB), Quito, 1126-1150. Religious program from Radio Transmundial, ID: “Gracias HCJB ", ”HCJB appreciates your contribution, do us an immense joy.” News commentary about the project Puyando-Tumbes. SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW 485)

9910, AIR Aligarh 2256-2302. Indian music to interval signal at 2258 into presumed Hindi service. Signal poor and not much to work with. Lost signal shortly after 2300. (Sscott Barbour-NH/Cumbre DX)

4869.92, RRI Wamena, 1115-1120. Station ID at 1116: ”Radio Republik Indonesia...”, SINPO 34333. (Wagai). Also heard at 1308-1348 with non-traditional Ramadan format with long segment of love songs in English (“Endless Love”, “Love Hurts”, “You Are the One I Love”). Mostly fair. On Th Aug 01 at 1235-1300, weekly edition in English of KGI with Ana and Kevin; KGI jingles, some pop songs, short segment in Bahasa Indonesia. Talk on Australian contributions to Indonesia, gave address (“Kang Guru Indonesia, Post Office Box 3095, Denpasar, Bali”) and e-mail ( ) “see you next week right here on this same station with KGI, Kang Guru Indonesia”; poor with heavy summertime QRN. Very pleased to hear this program again! Audio at . (Howard)

Papua New Guinea
3260, NBC Madang with relay of NBC National R programming, 1209-1247. Promo for the syndicated USA (Florida) show that plays Caribbean gospel music (reggae, calypso, hip hop gospel), “I'm Stacy Rose. Join me this Sunday at 10AM and again at 9PM right here on the Voice of PNG, 90.7 FM, for two hours of the best Caribbean Gospel Music this side of the sun … all right here on Island Praise with me, Stacy Rose, Sundays at 10AM and again at 9PM, right here on NBC National Radio, the Voice of PNG, 90.7 FM”, in Tok Pisin with program of listeners calling in to answer questions read on air, “The Voice of yesterday, today … 40 years of broadcasting in Papua New Guinea, NBC National Radio, the Voice, the Voice, 90.7”; running well past their normal sign off time, almost fair. Also heard Aug 01 until 1218*. (Howard/DXW 485)

11800 Deutsche Welle relay via Kigali. Signal on at 1959:12, then end of promo, double time ticks. Station ID in English and news intros. Male announcer's news for a poor/fair signal. Also on //11865 (also via Rwanda but a little weaker), 15275 good. (Dave Valko,PA/HCDX)

United Arab Emirates
9855, Radio Australia relay via Dhabbaya 2322-2339. English service with male/female duo with program interview. Station ID in passing at 2330. Program preview and news headlines. SIgnal poor in LSB-ECCS. (Scott Barbour-NH/Cumbre DX)