
Friday, August 16, 2013

Blog Logs

*Sign-On /  Sign-Off*   // station heard on parallel frequency / all freqs kHz

Logs edited for clarity

All times UTC

4835, Australia, NT VL8A Alice Springs.1854. Aussie male announcer's sports talk. Signal fades during male/females conversation to their trade-off for national newscast at 1900.
Fair signal at SIO 343. (Gayle Van Horn, NC/GT)

3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski. Buzzing carrier already on at 0855 but think it was there as early as 0815. Start of broadcast at 0901:40 with rooster crowing at least three times, then male announcer with full ID over instrumental Andean music. National anthem to additional station ID and website ending with mentions of radio. High static noise ruined nice reception (Dave Valko, PA/Cumbre DX)

6024.97 Radio Patria Nueva (presumed). First noticed the carrier in the display at 2220. Was totally in the clear as the Chinese wasn't on. Very slowly improving. Sounded like bits of music at times after about 2330. Definite deep-voiced male announcer at 2349:50. Music at 2357:10. 6020 Voice of Vietnam came on at 2358:20 and blasted it out, then 6030 appeared less than a minute later. (Valko)

6165, Natl du Tchadadienne. 2010-2030. Male's French text and talk and intermittent African flute melody. Slight fading during conversational segments. Chadian folk music to more French text as signal begins to fade. (Van Horn/GT)

6060, Radio Havana Cuba 0027. Spanish references to Cuba and Radio Havana. Signal very weak on // 6100 (SIO 322) Even weaker on // 9810 (SIO 222) to Central America. Improved on  // 11680 (SIO 433) (to South America) // 11760 (SIO 444) // 11840 poor (SIO 222) (South America). No sign of // 17705 kHz (Van Horn)

11920, HCJB LV de los Andes. 0002. Tune-in to Portuguese religious sermon, No sign of their Cofan service on 6020. Monitored to 0012 with lady announcer's reference to shortwave service and station ID. Program preview to pastor's prayer. Contemporary Christian vocals into program segment in Portuguese. SINPO 44444. (Van Horn)

15710 (targeted to Africa) Radio Cairo, 1905. Male announcer reading text in scheduled Hausa service (definately not Arabic). Arabic instrumental music interludes between program text segments. Arabic vocals to 1928. Announcer's script to 1935. Traditional Arabic instrumental music with slight over mod of signal. Format of text interspered with music, monitored to 1945.SINPO 43344 (Van Horn)

4749.993, RRI Makassar. Presumed this station at 1040-1050. Observed faint signal with lady announcer's comments. Language was difficult, likely Indonesian. At 1042 male's comments began, followed by Indonesian music-during very weak signal (Bolland)

15140, Oman, Radio Sultanate of Oman (presumed), 2043-2135. Tune in to female's Arabic music vocals with chorus. Arabic text trade-off from male/female duo at 2051-2057. Fanfare melody, announcement to 2059. Big Ben style chimes 2100. Station ID format into news headlines, followed by a piano fanfare intro to lady's program segment. Additional programming included brief program features, Arabic vocal and instrumental music. Emotional radio drama to signal fade out at 2135. Oman is scheduled to sign-off at 2200 (Van Horn).

15265, Radio Pakistan 1859. Instrumental music to national anthem and sign-off. Nice strong signal. One of the strongest signals ever heard. Heard around 1750 earlier but weak. (Valko)

4809.993, Radio Logos, 1030-1045. Using USB mode and notch to get a clear signal, noted this station in steady music program.  Did not or could not hear any comments between the music selections. Signal was poor with interference (Chuck Bolland, FL/Cumbre DX)

5024.91 Radio Quillabamba. Another rarely heard one in the clear!! Rebelde at 0016 found off and this in very weakly with definite Peruvian campo music to male announcer. Canned announcement at 0018 to flute poking through nicely. Canned announcement to pleasant haunting campo music. Still playing music with nice flutes at 0039:00. Presumed Rebeldes at 0047-0048-carrier was going on/off.  Quillabamba clear at 0049 again thankfully. Rebelde back on at 0051, then off. End of lady announcer and canned item to laser effect shooting SFX, and back to nice Andean flute music (0104:00 record). 0105:30. Extended talk by live studio lady announcer. Mentions of Peru. (Valko)

9920, FEBC  Philippines. (presumed) Sign-on interval signal at 1300 to station ID routine and I.S. repeat. Listed languages as Jarai/Koho/Rade/Roglai. Music at 1302 as contemporary and standardized Christian vocals. Male announcer's segment began at 1308 (sermon reading format) to 1329. Musical interlude, lady's frequency routine. Religious tune melody to 1330 sign-off. (Van Horn/GT)

Saudi Arabia
11820 // 11915 (SIO 322), Saudi Arabia, BSKSA/Qu'ran Program. 2135-. Male's Arabic Qu'ran programming at tune-in to 2201 (without benefit of sign-off). Very weak Arabic signal on 9555, at 2140 for BSKSA/First General Program. (Van Horn)

11915, BSKSA/Qu'ran Service with recitations at 2301. Signal cut off, leaving the air at 2302:18 with //11820 remaining at 2302:30. Excellent signal on both frequencies (Valko)

Solomon Islands
5019.88 SIBC 1030. Close of English speech with mentions of tourism. Live studio with lady announcer and brief outro, then ad for South Pacific Oil Industries. Additional ad with mentions of "P.O. Box 1160, Honiara" address. Announcer again with mentions of program and local "10 o'clock" time. Country and Western music, followed by an island song. (Valko)