
Friday, August 16, 2013

Cuban Activist Antúnez Visits the Martís

                                                        Antúnez addresses the staff of the Martís

MIAMI- Jorge Luis García-Pérez, a human rights activist some have called "Cuba's Nelson Mandela," visited the Martís on August 13 to express his gratitude for the reliable and accurate news coverage the Miami broadcaster provides. García-Pérez, who is also known as Antúnez, is well known across Cuba for his peaceful protest of the Castro government. He was a political prisoner from 1990 to 2007.

"In the 17 years that I spent behind bars, Radio Martí was, at times, my 'everything'. It was my lifeline," Antúnez told the assembled staff and journalists. "I would listen to it on a small radio that was smuggled into my cell."

During his visit, Antúnez met with Office of Cuba Broadcasting Director Carlos García-Pérez and made guest appearances on Radio Martí's daily newscast as well as the daily magazine show Cuba al Dia (Cuba Daily). During his interview with Thomas Cardoso, Antúnez raised the issue of an "institutional racial divide" in Cuba, emphasizing that the majority of inmates inside Cuban jails are black because, he says, the Cuban government targets people of color.

Antúnez was arrested during a nonviolent demonstration in 1990. Today Antúnez heads one of the largest opposition groups on the island, "Frente Civico de la Resistencia Orlando Zapata Tamayo," (TheCivicResistance Front of OrlandoZapataTamayo). Since his release in 2007 Antúnez has lived under intense government surveillance and has been harassed and beaten by government agents.

After outbound travel restrictions were lifted in Cuba earlier this year, many dissidents, including Yoani Sánchez, Antonio Rodiles, Rosa Maria Payá and Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo, have visited Martí headquarters to thank the staff and leadership for their support of a free media on the island.

Antúnez plans to travel throughout the United States raising awareness of Cuba's human rights situation.  

The Martís are operated by the Office of Cuba Broadcasting, part of the independent U.S. government agency, the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).

For more information on Radio and TV Martí, please contact Gina Barroso at 305-437-7153 or via email at

USA, Radio Marti - A13 Summer Schedule

Effective: 31 March - 26 October 2013

All times UTC

Spanish to Central America
0000-0100 6030ca 7365ca
0200-0300 6030ca 7365ca
0300-0400 6030ca 7365ca
0400-0500 6030ca 7405ca
0500-0600 6030ca 7405ca
0600-0700 6030ca 7405ca
0700-0800 5980ca 6030ca
0800-0900 5980ca 6030ca
0900-1000 5980ca 6030ca
1000-1100 6030ca 9805ca
1100-1200 7405ca 9805ca
1200-1300 7405ca 9805ca
1300-1400 7405ca 13820ca
1400-1500 11930ca 13820ca
1500-1600 11930ca 13820ca
1600-1700 11930ca 13820ca
1700-1800 11930ca 13820ca
1800-1900 11930ca 13820ca
1900-2000 11930ca 13820ca
2000-2100 9565ca 11930ca
2100-2200 9565ca 11930ca
2200-2300 9565ca 11930ca
2300-0000 9565ca 11930ca
(DX Mx/WWDXC Top Newx 1111) 10 Apr 2013