
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sri Lankan Visitor Visits HCJB Studios

                                                  Shelley Martin and Victor Goonetilleke

In HCJB’s Melbourne office one of Shelley Martin’s roles is replying to letters and emails received from listeners. Victor Goonetilleke, from Colombo, Sri Lanka, is one who regularly writes to us. So it was quite
a surprise when Victor contacted Shelley to say he was in Melbourne and wished to visit the studios.

Victor is a retired school teacher and an avid ham radio operator (call sign 4S7VK). He has been listening to HCJB since 1969. In his spare time he monitors shortwave broadcasts to his part of the world and regularly sends reception reports to Voice of America, BBC, Vatican Radio and Radio Veritas. He also acts
as Frequency Consultant for local shortwave station SLBC (Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation).

There are many AM and FM stations in Sri Lanka but people like listening to shortwave stations to hear unrestricted news and information. Victor estimates between five and 10 percent of the population of 21 million would listen to shortwave broadcasts.

Victor is a Christian and believes in the value of hearing the gospel via radio. He said, “How to live the Christian life is important: listeners want to know how the gospel relates to real life”. Occasionally
he has the opportunity to speak at his church and draws on what he has heard from HCJB and other Christian stations.
(HCJB/Voice & Hands/Sept 2013)