
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Amateur Radio DXCC 2012 Yearbook Now Available


The DXCC Blog Web Page reports: "The 2012 DXCC Yearbook is now available online to ARRL members worldwide via the August 2013 Digital QST. To access this publication visit the Digital QST page at:

Look down to 'QST Digital Archives'. Click Go Now on this link. The various Digital QST covers will appear and the DXCC yearbook will always be in the August edition. When you open August 2013 QST on the cover is a yellow icon in the lower portion of the cover labeled 'Includes the 2012 DXCC Yearbook'. Click this to open the yearbook. You can read it directly online or print it out for future reference. Again, access to this is by ARRL Members, worldwide."
(OPDX 1127)