
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

QSLing the Commonwealth Games

Amateur radio operators and shortwave hobbyists have an excellent opportunity to QSL the Commonwealth games, currently in progress to August 3, from Glasgow, Scotland.

GA14, (Special Event). To celebrate the Commonwealth Games this summer, the Stirling & District Amateur Radio Society (GM6NX) are hosting a special event station, GA14CG, at their club premises, approximately 25 miles northeast of the city of Glasgow, to August 3, 2014.

The station will be run by members of the Stirling and DARS along with other clubs in the surrounding area. Visitors are most welcome to the station and visiting amateurs can operate the station, permitted they bring a copy of their license. There will be three HF stations and two VHF stations operational. Activity will be on 160-2 meters using CW, SSB and Data.

For more information about the station, visit: You can also follow them on Twitter (@GA14CG) and "like" them on FaceBook.

QSL via LoTW (Logbook of the World) and e-QSL. For direct and Bureau QSLs are via Club Log's OQRS only. They prefer to QSL via LoTW and e-QSL to save money, time and to protect the environment. Uploads to Club Log are instantaneous. Uploads to LoTW and e-QSL are made at the end of each day. If you send your card via the bureau or direct, you WILL NOT receive a reply!