Starting tonight, Radio Martà will transmit a minute of MFSK16 centered on 2500 Hz, daily, according to the following schedule:
0558:40 UTC 1180
6030 7405 kHz
0758:40 UTC 1180
5980 6030 kHz
0858:40 UTC 1180
5980 6030 kHz
Each transmission is 57 seconds.
The 1180 kHz is medium wave, from the Florida Keys. The shortwave frequencies (5980, 6030, and 7405 kHz) are all via North Carolina.
You will probably hear noise on the frequency.
Recordings of your reception would be appreciated.
The email address for reception reports is included in the text transmission, but if you are not able to decode it, just send the report to
Kim Andrew Elliott
Producer and Presenter
VOA Radiogram